Research papers of the week – May 13, 2024

Enhancing migratory potential in fish passes: The role of pier shape in minimizing debris accumulation

Jan Błotnicki; Maciej Gruszczyński; Robert Głowski; Marian Mokwa
Journal of Environmental Management

Ministerial score = 200.0
Journal Impact Factor (2023) = 8.7 (Q1)

journal_of_environmental_management.jpgBiodiversity preservation is a primary challenge of the 21st century, focusing on restoring unobstructed river flows and mitigating the effects of barriers, supported by European biodiversity strategies up to 2030. Maintaining ecological continuity, such as unblocking fishways clogged by floating debris disrupting natural fish migration paths, remains a challenge despite conventional protective methods. This study, taking a vertical slot fish pass in Wrocław on the Odra River as a case study and based on research on bridge piers, suggests modifying pier shapes from rectangular to rounded in order to reduce debris accumulation. Field studies, utilizing an OTT MF Pro flow meter, were conducted to validate the numerical model. The measured flow rate in the field was 3.15 [m³·s−1], while the numerical modeling yielded a flow of 3.19 [m³·s−1]. Focusing on optimizing the shape of cross-wall piers to enhance fish migration conditions, the study examined six different pier configurations, analyzing flow speed in the main slot, crucial for migration. Using 2D hydraulic modeling with Iber, it assessed the migratory potential of different pier designs by analyzing hydraulic conditions and comparing them with the swimming capabilities of fish species native to the Odra River. Results indicate that rounding the pier edges positively affects flow speeds in the main slot, enhancing fish migration possibilities, contributing to fish pass functionality improvement and supporting broader biodiversity and ecosystem health goals.




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