Research papers of the week – July 10, 2023

Quality of bread enriched with microencapsulated anthocyanin extracts during in vitro simulated digestion

Anna Czubaszek; Anna Czaja; Anna Sokół-Łętowska; Joanna Kolniak-Ostek; Alicja Kucharska
Journal of Cereal Science

Ministerial score = 140.0
Journal Impact Factor (2023) = 3.8 (Q2)

journal_of_cereal_science.jpgAnthocyanins have health-promoting properties, and bread enriched with them can be an excellent source of these compounds. The study's goal was to analyze the quality of bread prepared with red cabbage, cornelian cherry, and chokeberry extracts microencapsulated in maltodextrin and inulin, as well as to evaluate changes in anthocyanin content during in vitro digestion. Breads enriched with extracts had a higher yield and lower volume than wheat bread with maltodextrin or inulin. Breads made using the microencapsulated extracts had a significantly higher content of anthocyanins and ABTS and FRAP antioxidant activity, compared to wheat bread. During the simulated digestion, decrease in the concentration of anthocyanins was noticed, especially after the intestinal digestion stage. Red cabbage acylated anthocyanins showed higher digestive stability than cornelian cherry and chokeberry anthocyanins, which however did not correlate with antioxidant activity.




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