Research papers of the week – January 16, 2023

Technological properties and composition of volatile compounds in winter wheat malts grown with addition of seed meals into soil

Alan Gasiński; Elżbieta Pytlarz; Oliwia Hamkało; Joanna Kawa-Rygielska
Scientific Reports

Ministerial score = 140.0
Journal Impact Factor (2023) = 4.997 (Q2)

scientific-reports.jpgWheat malts are necessary to produce wheat beers. In this study, wheat was grown with addition of seed meals into the soil, to determine whether such agricultural practice could improve the quality of the grain and, therefore, improve the quality of wheat malt produced from these grains. It was determined, that malt produced from the grains of the winter wheat cultivated with the use of seed meals is characterised with improved technological properties, such as saccharification time, filtration time and extract content and some of the seed meals had a positive impact on the content of various volatile compounds present in the produced malts.




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