Research papers of the week – June 3, 2024

Graph Enhanced Co-Occurrence: Deep dive into urban park soundscape

Grzegorz Chrobak; Rengin Aslanoglu; Aleksandra Lubańska; Tomasz Kowalczyk; Katarzyna Tokarczyk-Dorociak; Szymon Szewrański; Jan Kazak
Ecological Indicators

Ministerial score = 200.0
Journal Impact Factor (2023) = 6.9 (Q1)

ecological-indicators.jpgBased on the detailed exploration of urban park soundscapes through graph theory, this study presents a nuanced examination of the acoustic environments of two urban parks located in Wrocław, Poland, and Ankara, Turkey. The research captures the diversity of sound events within these parks, emphasizing the co-occurrence and interconnectivity of natural and anthropogenic sounds. By mapping these sounds into a network, the research provides a novel perspective on urban soundscapes, emphasizing the usefulness of some of indicators stemming from graph science in the realms of urban park acoustics. The findings suggest that a holistic approach to urban park design, considering the various measures of acoustic ecosystem organization, can contribute significantly to urban planning and environmental conservation. Through detailed analysis, the study reveals the potential of graph-theoretical approaches in understanding and improving the auditory experiences in urban green spaces, highlighting the synergy between different sound sources and their collective impact on the urban park ecosystem.




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