Research papers of the week – May 29, 2023

Importance for humans of recently discovered protein compounds – Yolkin and Yolk Glycopeptide 40, present in the plasma of hen egg yolk

Aleksandra Zambrowicz; Agnieszka Zabłocka; Dominika Bednarz; Łukasz Bobak
Poultry Science

Ministerial score = 140.0
Journal Impact Factor (2023) = 4.014 (Q1)

poultry-science.jpgVitellogenin (Vt) is considered the primary protein precursor of egg yolk, serving as a source of protein- and lipid-rich nutrients for the developing embryo. However, recent research has revealed that the functions of Vt and Vt-derived polypeptides, such as yolkin (Y) and yolk glycopeptide 40 (YGP40), extend beyond their nutritional roles as a source of amino acids. Emerging evidence has demonstrated that both Y and YGP40 possess immunomodulatory properties and can contribute to host immune defenses. Additionally, Y polypeptides have been shown to exhibit neuroprotective activity, participating in the modulation of neurons' survival and activity, inhibiting neurodegeneration processes, and improving cognitive functions in rats. These non-nutritional functions not only enhance our understanding of the physiological roles of these molecules during embryonic development but also offer a promising basis for the potential application of these proteins in human health.




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