Mission and vision

Mission of the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences

The Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences is a modern and dynamically developing institution that conducts scientific research and educates students, particularly in priority research areas, while respecting its heritage and traditions. It also trains highly qualified specialists with unique skills that meet the changing needs of the job market. Moreover, it actively engages in activities to benefit humanity and the surrounding natural environment.

The Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences mission aligns with the Magna Charta Universitatum. This charter upholds the values of academic life, such as the intellectual, moral, and institutional autonomy of universities, the freedom of scientific research and teaching, the love of truth and the pursuit of discovering it, adherence to moral and ethical principles, a sense of responsibility towards society, tolerance, and respect for human dignity in all its forms as enduring companions of the academic community's endeavors.

Vision of the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences

By 2030, the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences aims to be:

  • A pioneering research university charting new courses in all its key research domains, tackling ambitious and intricate challenges within an innovative and evolving research ecosystem.
  • A dedicated advocate for the Sustainable Development Goals, actively addressing global issues through research in close collaboration with the economic sector and fostering integration between scientific and socio-economic communities via knowledge exchange.
  • An internationally-focused university providing opportunities for national and international mobility to students, doctoral candidates, and staff, offering support to research groups for interdisciplinary projects, including help with funding.
  • An active contributor to the European higher education landscape, playing a vital role in its advancement.
  • A university deeply engaged in the growth of its city and region, embracing a sense of collective responsibility for its immediate social surroundings.
  • An appealing destination for both domestic and international students and doctoral candidates, keen on discovering and nurturing talent, and dedicated to cultivating creativity and knowledge, thereby producing highly sought-after experts in the job market.
  • A university boasting state-of-the-art educational, research, and social amenities for its students, doctoral candidates, and staff.
  • An institution renowned for its proactive, approachable, and growth-focused HR policies for all academic and non-academic personnel, aligned with the European Charter for Researchers and Excellence in Research, committed to career path diversification and providing developmental and motivational support.
  • A strategically managed university with a stable and sensible financial policy, informed by long-term investment planning, progressively increasing the proportion of funding from non-governmental sources to assure independent operations and continuous development.

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