
Acoustic booths in the UPWr Library

For the past few weeks, readers of the Main Library have been able to use two four-person acoustic booths. Each booth is equipped with comfortable sofas, a table, and USB sockets. This is yet another initiative, following the Bee&Chill Patio, to meet the expectations of students.

The booths have been installed in a small building of the Main Library (between the Lending Library and the Current Periodicals Reading Room). Each booth is furnished with two comfortable sofas, a table, two power and USB sockets, and adjustable lighting and ventilation. The front and back walls are made of acoustic glass, and the floors are covered with acoustic carpeting. Special sound-absorbing panels provide an elegant finish. The booths have integrated seamlessly into the space of the century-old building. The cost of the investment is nearly 120,000 PLN.

Acoustic booths allow for isolation from external stimuli
photo by UPWr Library

–Library readers need a place for quiet individual study, which they have communicated to us. The General Reading Room and the Quiet Study Space are not enough, hence the idea for the acoustic booths, which can be a space for work or relaxation, depending on the need. They can serve as a meeting and conversation spot or a space for complete focus and isolation from external stimuli – explains Barbara Lewandowska, Director of the Main Library.

The booths have integrated seamlessly into the building's space
photo by UPWr Library

The booths are available to all library visitors. Until the end of the summer semester, they are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Starting in October, reservations will be introduced.

– We strive to keep up with current trends in science and education and to implement modern solutions despite the limitations posed by the old building that houses our library – emphasizes Barbara Lewandowska. For several years now, spaces have been created in her managed facility that allow for free communication (Group Work Reading Room) and relaxation.

The interior of the acoustic booth is comfortable and elegant
photo by UPWr Library

In 2022, as part of the UPWr Participatory Budget, a relaxation space with social facilities designed by Karolina Kelner, a landscape architecture student, was realized. Bee&Chill Patio is a place where you can breathe fresh air, relax, and chat with friends. Insect houses and plant beds in the Patio make it an ideal place to spend time in the spring and summer, lounging in the shade on comfortable deckchairs and reading a book.

Głos Uczelni

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