
PhD degree at the UPWr Doctoral School – the recruitment process has started

The UPWr Doctoral School has begun recruiting for the 2022/2023 academic year. Over 70 supervisors and 80 research topics are waiting for candidates. The recruitment will last until May 30, 2022.

Getting a PhD degree in agricultural, natural and engineering and technical sciences at the UPWr Doctoral School is an opportunity to establish international contacts and develop your passion for science. UPWr has outstanding supervisors and interesting research topics in seven scientific disciplines. The university works with many institutions in Poland and around the world, and is listed in important international rankings.

The UPWr Doctoral School educates and conducts research in seven disciplines.
Photo: Shutterstock

PhD students and supervisors at UPWr

This is the fourth recruitment to the UPWr Doctoral School and another opportunity to join the group of our PhD students, whose scientific work and successes speak for themselves.

Studying at the Doctoral School is an opportunity to work with outstanding scientists in the field of agricultural, natural and engineering and technical sciences. Supervisors and PhD students are closely associated with the Leading Research Groups at UPWr, which are a response to the biggest challenges of modern science.

UPWr Doctoral School Council (from the left): prof. Aleksandra Pawlak, prof. Sebastian Opaliński, prof. Andrzej Białowiec, prof. Małgorzata Korzeniowska, prof. Tomasz Hadaś, prof. Magdalena Szymura with the head of Doctoral School – prof. Agnieszka Noszczyk-Nowak
Photo: Tomasz Lewandowski

We also carry out implementation PhD programmes, which combine scientific and professional work. This form was chosen by, among others, Arkadiusz Szkudlarek, who is looking for ways to improve hydroelectric power plants, and Marcin Gumowski, who is working on creating a plant based antibiotic for poultry rearing prophylaxis.

– When educating PhD students, we tend to lean towards the student-master relationship, in which we work together and we develop ideas together.The success of my doctoral student is also my success – says prof. Agnieszka Noszczyk-Nowak, director of the UPWr Doctoral School.

PhD degree in English at UPWr

In addition to research topics in Polish, we also offer topics in English. A PhD carried out in a foreign language is not only a chance to develop your language skills, but also to network with international scientists – internationalization is a very important element of our university's strategy.

– I encourage students to write papers in English. This way, they’re global impact becomes both potential and real – says Prof. Krzysztof Sośnica, supervisor at the UPWr Doctoral School in the discipline of civil engineering and transport.

Supervisors and PhD students during training.
Photo: private archive

How do I get a PhD degree? Recruitment process details

All the necessary information – a list of research topics, supervisors and recruitment steps - can be found on the new website of the UPWr Doctoral School. You can register and hand in your documents until May 30, 2022.

Visit the UPWr Doctoral School website

Meet supervisors:

Głos Uczelni

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