
Collaboration counts

Professor Tadeusz Trziszka, a vice-Rector for research at the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław hosted Representatives of the European Consortium, who may probably decide about directions of food economy development in Europe in the nearest future.

This year huge financial means will be used in the European Union for searching for innovative solutions regarding nutrition. The European Institute of Innovation and Technology, which transfers the money to particular research centers and companies, has announced a competition for creating a so-called Knowledge and Innovation Community “food for future” – KIC Food4Future. KIC includes associations or partnerships consisting of universities, research institutes and companies including leading concerns in particular sectors. They are to coordinate and carry out innovative research, to search for new advanced solutions and implement their results in practice. European consortiums consisting of the biggest research centers and companies are trying to get KIC organizations in different competitions.

fot. Tomasz Lewandowski

Preparations for taking part in such a competition last for many years – FoodNexus consortium, whose representative were hosted in Wrocław, was established in 2010 (at the beginning it operated under the name of FoodBest). Several dozen participants including universities and food industry concerns representing Scandinavia, Benelux, France, Spain and Italy. There are two subjects from Poland: Mlekpol and the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław. Inviting the Wrocław university to the consortium is not only the effect of efforts and contacts of Professor Trziszka in the European forum, but also a natural consequence of the university’s specialization. If the target of this huge European enterprise is to find so-called new food, including food having healing properties, then the structure of the University of Environmental and Life Sciences and the scope of the research carried out by all five faculties allow for joining the main course of research.

fot. Tomasz Lewandowski

The university is a member of the most important group of FoodNexus consortium – Nordic, and the representatives of this group visited the university, Wrocław Technology Park and Wrocław Research Center EIT+, just before the announcement of a decision concerning organization of KIC Food4Future.

The Scandinavian guests left Wrocław with very good impressions after meetings with deans of every faculty, professors interested in international research, and representatives of local government at the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław as well as talks with rectors and managers in technology and research centers. If the consortium wins the competition and will create the Knowledge and Innovation Community Food4Future, one of five collocation centers could be established here in Lower Silesia.

fot. Tomasz Lewandowski

Irrespective of the results of the competition, the ability of collaboration between public administration, scientists and entrepreneurs, which was presented at this stage of activity, definitely enhances our position in Europe.


Głos Uczelni

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