
UPWr 3G – what is The Green Valley all about?

The second part of Rector Tadeusz Trziszka’s programme devoted to The Green Valley project and its benefits.

Modern Universities operate like a good business. They create high-quality product which its local environment needs. The University’s produce include well-educated human resources and knowledge which addresses society’s needs and enables it to solve its fundamental problems. We intend to be such a university. To achieve this aim we need a certain framework for our actions. For me such framework is the notion of The Green Valley.

This idea together with the KIC “Food4Future” – are key programmes on which the development of the University will be based during the four-year term. Turning a vision into an operating system is, of course, a considerable challenge. However, I have support of good, competent people who are able to meet the challenge. Till the end of the year we will specify the financial and organizational details of the project. A special rector’s proxy will be appointed and Rector’s Office for Coordinating Business Cooperation will be established. Its task will be to connect the work of Vice-Rectors’ divisions with what is happening outside their divisions.

The Green Valley project has been accepted by the Lower Silesian Executive Board and negotiations with ministries are also at an advanced stage. We are going to cooperate with academic circles but also with Wrocław Technology Park and EIT+ - the already existing clusters.

What changes will The Green Valley Project mean for the University? A new approach will involve creation of partnerships. Land and buildings will be sold less frequently– they will rather be brought in as contributions to the partnerships. Next year it will probably be necessary to establish a foundation because as a University we are not able to utilize financial resources in like a regular business entity. The foundation carrying out The Green Valley Project will of course be under the UPWr jurisdiction. I expect very diversified sources of financing specific enterprises (private and public: e.g. alpha bridge but also venture capital fund). The estimated scale of the whole enterprise is about 10 billion PLN invested in bio-business in its broad sense (including research, education and infrastructure).

The programme is new and very complex logistically. We are now specifying its framework. The initial plan includes first investments in the Pawłowice region – the production of diet supplements and biocosmetics. I am now discussing the idea with business entrepreneurs.

The Green Valley is included in the international project applying for funding in the 2020 Horizon within the Food4Future KIC and thus it may become an international pilot programme. This of course requires a certain line of research that we should undertake. It does not, however, block other directions. I would like to stress once again: if a given project brings benefit to the University, we should all support it and feel responsible for it.

The Green Valley – a pilot development scheme

The idea of creating the Green Valley of Health in the Lower Silesia includes actions in the areas of science, business and society. The effects should have long-term influence – Silicon Valley started to form almost a century ago around Stanford University - small and peripheral at that time - and is now an inspiring example for many – also for the initiator of the Green Valley around the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences.

The aims of The Green Valley:

  • production of modern foods with prophylactic properties against diseases of civilization,
  • development of technology allowing us to obtain natural sources of farming and biotechnological materials and turn them food and health products,
  • creating specialized health-improving and revitalizing services
  • education promoting health-friendly behaviour (also linked with food and nutrition).

The Green Valley specialities:

  1. Specific products – competitive on global markets but produced from Polish materials of top biological quality. The Green Valley there will help to set up production plants of nutraceuticals, diet supplements, functional food, biomedical products, biocosmetics etc. The main produce from the Green Valley will be connected with prophylactics of civilization diseases (cardiovascular diseases, obesity, type 2 diabetes, dementia-related diseases, osteoporosis etc.), but they will be also preparations supporting vitality and post-illness revitalization.
  2. Comprehensive services and programmes of prophylactics and health revitalization especially for elderly people, as well as educational schemes supporting them which will be carried out with the support of Lower Silesian health resorts.

Economic and social benefits of the Green Valley

  • stimulating agribusiness and developing innovative food economy with special emphasis on regional products and modern, health-friendly food.
  • considerable growth of employment in services and production – especially regional products and health-friendly food.
  • development of nutrition education will increase social awareness and contribute to the growth of food market and – in the future – food exports but it will also positively influence health-friendly attitudes which will be beneficial for the functioning of the country’s healthcare.


Głos Uczelni

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