
Two years of UPWr with HR Logo

Two years ago, the European Commission granted WUELS the Logo of HR, but also ordered remedial actions to be carried out. In September, we submitted an evaluation report on the changes – what has improved?

The „Human Resources Excellence in Research” logo is awarded to institutions applying the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the recruitment of researchers. Both of these documents were adopted by the European Commission in 2005 and specify the rights and obligations to which scientists are subject, but also the universities or institutions that employ them. The award of the logo gives measurable benefits, more effective acquisition of national and European grants, international recognition, credibility and attractiveness, which is particularly important at the stage of building project consortia.

The 2-year "trial period" for which the Wrocław University of Life Sciences received the HR Logo in 2017 was the time of introducing corrective and self-improvement measures at the university. Their areas resulted from the analysis of the survey conducted a year earlier among scientists – the 40 questions in it were in compliance with the 40 principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct.

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Researchers were asked, among other things, whether they knew the mechanisms of research funding at the university and whether the university observed the principles of careful, transparent and effective financial management in this respect, whether the standards and procedures in the recruitment process were clearly defined, and whether the university appreciated the mobility of employees, whether regular meetings of doctoral students with scientific supervisors were established and organised, and whether experienced employees, performing various functions, built positive and constructive relations with scientists just starting their careers.

As a result of the analysis of the replies from 431 persons, two areas requiring corrective action were identified, i.e. those where negative answers outweighed positive ones. The first one concerned professional development, the second one – teaching.

The curriculum of teaching and development of doctoral students focused primarily on academic career, although most young scientists will not be employed at the university after completing their doctorate due to staff limits. The university should adapt the educational process in such a way as to endow them with additional skills and knowledge necessary to work in the private sector. Therefore, the offer of the university Career Office has been extended by courses and trainings in the scope of strengthening competences necessary for job search (e.g. self-presentation, creativity, coping with stress), designing a career path, starting one's own company and mediation in contacts with R&D companies. Doctoral students can also use the Personal Development Clinic, which offers psychological consultations.

UPWr has developed a number of mechanisms for appropriate motivation and recognition in the field of didactic duties of employees. Scientists involved in the work of Leading Research Groups have the possibility to reduce their teaching load in favour of conducting research. Periodic evaluation of academic teachers awards points for the introduction of modern teaching methods, new subjects and distance learning, and twice a year (at the end of each semester) teachers are also evaluated by students – the best ones receive the Rector's Award.

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The remuneration for academic staff at UPWr correspond to the national average level. The burden of teaching duties at the University does not differ from the national standards. Moreover, WUELS actively obtains external projects and additional funding, which provide researchers with additional income, and university-wide projects allow employees to increase their competence, e.g. within the framework of POWER projects.

The University has also undertaken and planned a number of self-improvement actions, including:

  • The compliance with the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct, which is reflected in the new WUELS Statute (which, in accordance with Act 2.0, came into force on 1 October 2019) – these are among others provisions on gender balance policy and appropriate qualifications of recruitment committees,
  • The WUELS respects deviations from the chronological order of the CV, which is reflected in the clauses of the job advertisements,
  • The WUELS recognises the multidimensional mobility of researchers and recognises the acquisition of informal qualifications, which is reflected in the academic teacher's assessment sheet,
  • The university strives to improve the competences of academic staff (e.g. within the framework of the POWER 3.5 project) – a permanent offer of foreign language courses for academic staff, training courses/workshops for researchers applying for European Commission grants, application workshops, cooperation with the National/Regional Contact Point in order to promote and encourage applications for European scientific grants,
  • The Office of the Vice-Rector for Innovation and Business Cooperation organizes trainings and supports scientists in the following areas: analysis of the economic potential of research, evaluation of the commercialization potential of research results, patenting research results, establishing contacts with entrepreneurs ensuring knowledge and technology transfer, setting up spin-off and spin-out companies,
  • The WUELS Code of Ethics requires co-workers to co-author scientific papers, patents, posters and other studies in a fair and creative manner,
  • In the event of conflicts, complaints or appeals of scientists, the Committee for Ethical Conduct of the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences acts as a mediator,
  • Representatives of researchers at different stages of their research careers are present in the collegial bodies of the WUELS.

The next step in the HR Logo Strategy for the following 3 years is the implementation of clear and transparent recruitment principles based on the candidate's qualifications (OTM-R – Open, Transparent, Merit-based Recruitment Policy). The implementation of OTM-R rules will have a significant impact on the intensification of international cooperation in the field of research and increasing the effectiveness of the entire system of employing researchers.

A summary of the activities undertaken so far and plans for the future can be found on the university's website. The distinction of HR Excellence in Research has in a conspicuous way resulted in the increase in the international recognition of WUELS, its credibility and attractiveness. Changes in internal regulations have made the working conditions of WUELS researchers more attractive, which translates into the increased employment of scientists from abroad, where the HR logo is a guarantee of a friendly working environment.

The WUELS authorities, administrative departments and representatives of the scientific circles at various stages of career development – from doctoral student to full professor – have been involved in the process of implementing the university's HR Logo Strategy. The work was coordinated by a specially appointed team, chaired by Jarosław Bosy, Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations.

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POWER at UPWR – comprehensive university development programme
Agreement No. POWR.03.05.00-00-Z082/17-00

Głos Uczelni

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