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The online admission to PhD programs at the UPWr Doctoral School is open

The online admission to the UPWr Doctoral School is open to accepting online applications for the 2021/22 academic year. The deadline for applying is July 2nd 2021.

Students who have just obtained their master’s degrees are faced with an important life choice: to continue their education or set out to join the job market. For those who decide to continue to stay in school, the choice of the right PhD remains, and the choice of a doctoral school – since to obtain a PhD in Poland it is now necessary to apply to a doctoral school.

This is due to an act introduced by the Ministry of Education, which changed the current system of doctoral studies.

A doctoral school is an interdisciplinary form of education, and a doctoral degree obtained in Polish doctoral schools is equivalent to international PhDs.

Studying at UPWr Doctoral School offers brilliant possibilities for both Polish and international students. It gives the opportunity to work in international research teams, and develop individual ideas, as each doctoral student is granted a scholarship, and can take part in externally financed projects or rely on the internal support system for scientific research. Our international students are carrying out successful research in the fields of molecular biology and urban grasslands, for example.

Education at the doctoral school is free, and the recruitment is in the form of an open competition. The same recruitment conditions apply for Polish citizens and foreigners. They must also undergo the recruitment process based on the recruitment resolution issued by the UPWr Senate.

The UPWr Doctoral School offers studies in three fields comprising 7 disciplines.

Beatriz Hernandez Suarez is a PhD student at UPWr
Beatriz Hernández Suárez is doing a PhD in molecular biology at UPWr
photo: Tomasz Lewandowski

Candidates for the UPWr Doctoral School should contact potential supervisors to discuss the subject and scope of their PhD dissertations. There are a lot of additional requirements that candidates must fulfill, such as having a Master's or equivalent degree certified by a diploma or certificate issued by a relevant authority. They can also be an author or a co-author of a scientific paper published in a scientific journal or in peer-reviewed papers from an international conference listed in the current register of journals kept by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, or be an author or co-author of a patent or utility model, among others. 

All requirements and procedures can be found in a step by step guide and on the recruitment page

To apply, foreign candidates can visit our Dream Apply system. And holders of Polish citizenships may apply via the IRK system.

If you have any questions, please contact or call +48 71 320 5249.


See also:

Głos Uczelni

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