
Prof. Bosy appointed Chair of the Committee of Geodesy of the Polish Academy of Sciences

The Rector of the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Prof. Jarosław Bosy, has been appointed Chair of the Committee of Geodesy of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN). His term will last until 2028.

Prof. Jarosław Bosy, who previously served as the Vice-Chair of the Committee of Geodesy of PAN, was elected Chair of the new management board of the Committee during the May elections. The board represents all Polish research units operating in this field.

– Thus, not only universities but also institutes are included. The Committee's task is to shape the development directions of the discipline and to provide expert support to various state and local government bodies – says Prof. Jarosław Bosy, emphasizing that his goal for this term is to foster the development of the geodesy community both nationally and, perhaps most importantly, internationally.

 The meeting of the Committee of Geodesy of PAN, during which Prof. Jarosław Bosy was elected Chair
photo: IGiG/PAN archive

In addition to Prof. Bosy, the new board includes Dr. hab. Katarzyna Osińska-Skotak from the Warsaw University of Technology (Vice-Chair), Dr. hab. Jacek Kudrys from the AGH University of Science and Technology (Vice-Chair), Dr. hab. Marek Mróz from the University of Warmia and Mazury (Secretary), and Dr. hab Anna Kłos from the Military University of Technology (Editor-in-Chief of the PAN journal "Advances in Geodesy and Geoinformation").

– We have entrusted the journal to young scientists, but in my opinion, the main and most important task of the Committee is to build a network comprising scientists from various academic centers and research institutes where geodesy is practiced. We aim for collaboration and mutual support, rather than competition, hence the idea to support young scientists and place 'Advances in Geodesy and Geoinformation' in their hands. The next step is to work on services and education in this discipline. We have a special didactic commission, and it so happens that its chair is the head of the Polish Accreditation Committee. This is a good starting point for developing common standards and, above all, for discussing which directions in geodesy to develop and how to do so – says Prof. Jarosław Bosy.

Głos Uczelni

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