
New Polish-Chinese studies at UPWr – enrolment

Landscape Architecture has been joined by Horticulture and Animal Science. Now, within those two fields of study it’s possible to choose a Polish-Chinese specialty and spend a year in China.

UPWr has been conducting double diploma studies in cooperation with Hunan Agricultural University in Changsha for a few years now. Until now, it was the specialty of Chinese and Polish traditions in shaping of the landscape at the Landscape Architecture. At the moment, two more fields of study are being launched.

Polish-Chinese Master Program in horticulture (Advanced Technologies in Chinese and Polish Horticulture) and animal science (Animal Production Management – Chinese and European Circumstances) are to begin in the middle of February 2018 and are going to take four semesters to complete – at least two of these semesters will be spent by the students in China. All the classes are taught in English only and each student has two thesis supervisors – from both the Polish and Chinese universities.

polish-chinese studies, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, WUELS,
The agreements on beginning another double degree studies were signed by: prof. Fu Shaohui, president of Hunan Agricultural University in Changsha and prof. Jarosław Bosy, vice-rector for research and international relations at UPWr
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The course of studies includes classes like: Marketing of horticultural products, New developments in horticultural plant genetics and breeding, Popularization and application of agricultural technology, Comprehensive practice of horticultural modernization production, Horticultural plant ecology and stress physiology, Advanced molecular biology of horticulture, Advanced technologies in greenhouse production.

The graduate of Advanced Technologies in Chinese and Polish Horticulture specialty is going to have the knowledge and skills in sustainable gardening, shaping of the landscape, and nature conservation. They’ll have the ability to work in European and Chinese companies or those cooperating with China. These studies also mean extended knowledge of biological and chemical sciences, including genetics, breeding, molecular biology, crop protection, knowledge of economic analysis methods, and organization and management.

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Animal Science

Compulsory classes in the specialty of Animal Production Management – Chinese and European Circumstances are going to be Animal research method, Advanced animal nutrition, Molecular biology, Nutrition and immunity, Case study of animal husbandry, Animal husbandry law, Modern livestock production system.

The graduate of this specialty is going to have extended knowledge in planning and organizing of animal husbandry, and in the use of animal husbandry, nutrition and preventive programs in populations of different types of animal species. They’ll be groomed for working in management positions in state administration and self-government, on agro- and stock-farms, in breeding supervision and insemination services, in agricultural consulting, in companies handling the trade of animals and animal-derived products.

polish-chinese studies, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, WUELS,
fot. Shutterstock

The agreements on beginning another collaborative studies were signed during the UPWr representatives’ visit in China. The following people took part in it: vice-rector Jarosław Bosy, deans of the Faculty of Live Sciences and Technology, prof. Bogdan Stępień, and the Faculty of Biology and Animal Science, prof. Adam Roman, and vice-deans – prof. Anita Biesiada and dr Barbara Król. A discussion has been initiated on the possibility of extending the cooperation by next fields of study, interdisciplinary doctoral studies, employee internship programs, and collaborative research projects.

polish-chinese studies, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, WUELS,
The UPWr representatives during the visit involving the final arrangements on the new Polish-Chinese studies
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The students who have decided to do the Polish-Chinese studies at the Landscape Architecture claim unanimously that it was the best choice they could have made. As Katarzyna Kadulska, one of the first students to go to China, said in ”Głos Uczelni”: – When you get a chance to delve into the unknown – so far from home, to the other side of the world, to study in the favorite field of yours – then you need to take it. For me, the incentive was being aware of experiencing something unusual, something we see on the Internet, TV, or what we read about in books. That’s what lured me in, and that’s how I’ve experienced the greatest adventure of my life!


Polish students who would like to start a Master’s degree within Polish-Chinese specialties have to register in the enrolment system. The enrolment starts on 20 November 2017 and ends on 7 January 2018. The enrollment list is going to be published on 8 January, all the documents will have to be submitted within two days following that date.


Głos Uczelni

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