
Master Thesis Training Workshops – exchange of knowledge and experience

Julia Gawron and Radosław Pszonicki participated in the Master Thesis Training workshops organized as part of the Baltic University Programme at Uppsala University. The program provided an excellent opportunity to further consult their work, receive support from experts, and establish contacts with students from across the Baltic Sea region.

Julia, a landscape architecture student, opted to participate in the program primarily due to her desire to compare her research with the work of other students and to consult on her thesis concerning urban agriculture and food systems in cities. According to her, the discussions and consultations, both with other participants and with professors and experts, were incredibly valuable.

– At the beginning of the workshops, we had the opportunity to present our work, which was primarily a great exercise in public speaking. Then, in smaller, thematic groups, we exchanged feedback, which allowed me to look at my topic from various perspectives. This was extremely inspiring and helped me better understand the direction in which I should continue my research – reports Julia.

Julia Gawron
Julia Gawron
photo: private archive 

The next stage of the workshops involved consultations with experts, which Julia described as crucial for the further development of her master's thesis. Thanks to these meetings, she was able to refine her ideas and focus on the most promising research directions.

– The presentations of other participants' master's theses were a source of inspiration and motivation to continue working. We could see how other students were dealing with similar research challenges, what innovative approaches they were applying, and what solutions they were proposing for significant issues – notes Radosław Pszonicki, an environmental engineering student, adding that the tips from participants would slightly modify his master's thesis.

– It was a wonderful opportunity to meet students from various countries and cultures, which only enriched the entire experience. Exchanging contacts and creating a network of cooperation may lead to interesting research or professional projects in the future – says Julia, also emphasizing the value of the international environment of the workshops. Radosław agrees, adding that the workshops gave him an opportunity to learn about Swedish culture and learn a lot about their traditions.

Radosław Pszonicki
photo: private archive

– Participation in the BUP tutoring program allowed me to meet a broad group of students from various universities in the Baltic states, most of whom invited me to visit their cities in the future, so I expanded my list of possible travel destinations – the student adds with a smile.

– I definitely recommend participation in future editions of events organized by the Baltic University Programme to other students. It is not only a great opportunity to learn and develop but also to build an international network of contacts, which can be valuable in the future – emphasizes Radosław.

Workshop at Uppsala
photo by Julia Gawron

It’s important to stay updated with the offerings prepared by BUP participants. One of the larger upcoming events is the Science and Sail 2024 organized by Klaipėda University. This summer school will allow selected students to study the delicate Baltic Sea environment, both on land and at sea, under the guidance of leading experts from the region.

Part of the summer school will take place aboard the sailing ship Brabander, during a voyage in the southeastern part of the Baltic Sea. Participants will collect samples and study the unique coastal environment of the Curonian Spit and the Nemunas Delta, learning about the impact of climate change and biodiversity loss on the area.

More information about Science and Sail 2024.

Głos Uczelni

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