
LiveNutrition "Rational Livestock Nutrition in Rural Areas" project

The staff and PhD students of Faculty of Biology and Animal Science at Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences took part in short-term joint staff training events organized under the LiveNutrition "Rational Livestock Nutrition in Rural Areas" project.

The staff and PhD students of Faculty of Biology and Animal Science at Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences took part in short-term joint staff training events organized under the LiveNutrition "Rational Livestock Nutrition in Rural Areas" project funded by Programme Erasmus+ KA2 Vocational Education and Training. The aim of the short-term joint staff training events was intended for staff of project partner institutions and their aim was to transfer best practices, know-how and innovations in the area of rational livestock feeding, vocational education and methods of enhancement of academic-based knowledge and skills transfer to rural areas. Staff trainings took place from 05/12/2016 till 16/12/2016 in four partner countries: Poland (Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences), Turkey (Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University), Italy (Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori dell Umbria in Perugia) and Romania (National Research Development Institute  for Animal Biology and Nutrition).

szkolenia1, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, WUELS,

Together in 3 training events organized in project partner countries participated 12 workers and PhD students from Faculty of Biology and Animal Science whereas in training taking place at our university took part 6 people from Romania, Hungary and Italy. Staff of all partner institutions participating in trainings of the LiveNutrition project had an opportunity to learn innovative strategies of livestock nutrition implemented in project partner countries aimed at optimization of livestock production by increase its profitability and mitigation of negative impact of animal production on natural environment. Widely discussed were the issues of dissemination activities of the main products of the project - an e-learning platform and compendium "Rational livestock nutrition in rural areas." To this end, a series of international meetings were organized with target groups of the project: farmers, feed manufacturers, veterinarians and students of agricultural vocational schools, whose aim was to ensure the greatest possible impact of the project on the target groups, as well as the longest possible use of e-learning platform after the completion of the project.

szkolenia4, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, WUELS,

Participation of partners institutions in international short-term joint staff training events besides the measurable benefits for the quality of the project and, above all, main products developed during project implementation, entailed a lot of so-called added value of which cannot be ignored gain new experiences and skills of employees participating in training and establishing new professional contacts that hopefully will result in future cooperation and implementation of new projects.

Barbara Król D.Sc..
Vice-dean for Animal Science
Faculty of Biology and Animal Science

Głos Uczelni

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