  The president Lech Kaczyński invited the laureates of the competition „Woman-inventor”also the winners of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) medal in the category “The Best Woman
  Inventor” which is supported by companies implementing new technologies.

Inventors from the University of Environmental and Life Sciences visit the President of Poland

The president Lech Kaczyński invited the laureates of the competition „Woman-inventor”also the winners of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) medal in the category “The Best Woman Inventor” which is supported by companies implementing new technologies.

Among the invited guests were two ladies from the Department of Chemistry at the Faculty of Food Science of the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław: Prof. Jadwiga Dmochowska-Gładysz and Dr. Alina Świzdor.


The invited women-inventors represented all the fields of technology and knowledge within the range of biotechnology, chemistry, electronics, precise mechanics, molecular biology, telecommunication, medicine and art. Among the inventors present were winners of WIPO medals, laureates of the competition “Woman-inventor” who received their awards at the International Inventions Fairs in Brussels and Geneva. Their inventions are used in industry, agriculture, medicine, ecology, and safety improvement. “When there are cultural opportunities, women are very successful in many fields” – said the president congratulating the inventors.

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According to the Patent Office data, the number of inventions designed by women has been increasing systematically for the last couple of years. Among the inventions which are submitted for registration, the proportion of the ones invented by women is stable around 12-13%, but more and more women obtain patents for their ideas. Last year it was 25% of all inventions.

Głos Uczelni

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