
Antidiabetic properties of plant dyes

Dr. Igor Turkiewicz is researching the formation of stability and bioavailability in plant dyes by microencapsulation in the context of their potential antidiabetic properties.

Dr. Igor Turkiewicz received PLN 210 000 from NCN for his research. The UPWr scientist explains that microencapsulation (coating one substance with another) is increasingly used in the process of stabilizing labile bioactive compounds, such as vitamins, because it creates a barrier against unfavorable factors: the action of oxygen, temperature or pH changes. Green plant pigments are among the more labile, and physical and chemical conditions during food processing accelerate the process of their degradation, leading to a transformation of color from green to an unattractive brown. This, in turn, is also associated with a change in their health-promoting properties. Previous methods of their stabilization have mainly used chemical methods, and current European legislation allows the use of chlorophyll derivatives designated as E141 (copper complexes of chlorophyll and chlorophyllin).

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– The lack of scientific data on their absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion and toxicity means that the safety of their use as food additives and the establishment of acceptable daily intake (ADI) levels cannot be assessed. Hence the need to search for alternative methods of stabilizing non-chemically modified green pigments along with determining their bioavailability and bioavailability in terms of potential benefits for the human body – he says, adding that chlorophylls have long been used in maturational medicine as compounds with therapeutic properties.They play an important role in the prevention of chronic diseases, showing antioxidant, antimutagenic and anticancer effects, among others. – However, data are lacking on whether they also exhibit antidiabetic properties. While there are a number of confirmed studies that fruits and vegetables are a rich source of secondary metabolites possessing such properties, research on chlorophylls has not yet been conducted – Dr. Igor Turkiewicz explains.

The point of his research is to analyze the changes occurring during spray drying of natural chlorophyll extract in relation to chlorophyll extract stabilized with Cu (II) ions to see how and whether the induced chemical modification affects the properties of chlorophyll microcapsules. The researcher will test whether the microencapsulation process will be an alternative to metal ion stabilization.

Głos Uczelni

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