
Animal nutrition – Erasmus+ project

The results of a competition organized by the Foundation for the Development of the Educational System – National Agency for the Erasmus+ Program have been announced.

The project ”Rational Livestock Nutrition in Rural Areas,” whose beneficiary is the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław, was ranked 6th among nearly 100 of evaluated applications, and it received 96 points out of 100.

The aim of the project is to create and implement innovative methods and training materials, an e-learning platform and a coursebook regarding the issue of rational livestock nutrition, fodder management, livestock health protection, modern pasture management, animal products quality and methods of preventing diseases of nutrition origin. The project was prepared in collaboration with the Office of International Programs, by employees of the Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Management of the Faculty of Biology and Animal Science: Doctor Barbara Król, Doctor Maja Słupczyńska and Doctor Rafał Bodarski.

fot. Tomasz Lewandowski

“The needs analysis of the target groups: employees of centers for agricultural consultancy, agricultural chambers, teachers of agricultural schools, nutritionists, feed producers, breeding consultants and students from agricultural faculties, will allow for designing modern methods and training materials, which will be integrated with an internet and e-learning platform. The materials will be available in English and the national languages of the consortium partners,” said Doctor Engineer Barbara Król.

Apart from the coordinator – the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław, the international consortium carrying out the project will consist of: Canakkale Onsekiz Mart Universitesi (Turkey), Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori Dell'Umbria (Italy), Balikesir Universitesi (Turkey), Institutul National De Cercetare-Dezvoltare Pentru Biologie Si Nutritie Animala (Romania), Tudás Alapítvány (Hungary) and the Association of Initiatives Development ”Lacjum” (Poland).

“The selection of the consortium partners was very significant. It gathers experienced specialists of animal nutrition, veterinary doctors, and microbiologists. All of them represent a wide range of knowledge, competences and skills, which is a guarantee of professional accomplishment of project targets,” added Doctor Król.

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The project will be carried out within the scope of the Erasmus+ program for professional education and training, which is continuing traditions of Leonardo da Vinci program 2007-2013 – ”Learning throughout your whole life.” Erasmus+ program supports collaboration of educational centers with vocational education and training institutions. The program especially emphasizes the transfer of experience, innovation, know-how and transversal collaboration.

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Głos Uczelni

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