
UPWr in Brazil

This Polish mission to Brazil is organised as a ministerial programme „Ready, Study, Go! Poland” and it has supported the process of internationalisation of Polish universities since 2012.

The aim of the programme is to attract foreign students to Polish universities, encouraging them to apply to study in Poland within the scholarship programme, „Education without Boarders” – said representatives of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

The itinerary included: meetings with students and authorities of the largest Brazilian universities, presentations and the taking part in a trade fair. Representatives from the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, and the Foundation for the Development of the Education System all attended the trade fair. There were also representatives from Polish universities in the Polish delegation: three regular universities, six universities of technology, and four medical universities. The University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław was the only representative its sort, and it was represented by Krzysztof Kafarski from the International Relations Office.


– Poland is an attractive country for Brazilian students due to its central location in Europe, study programmes available in English, relatively low fees for studies and low living costs, as well as high degrees of safety. According to the Economist, the crime record indicator is 20 times lower in Poland than in Brazil – said Krzysztof Kafarski.

The Polish delegation not only met representatives of Brazilian ministries, universities, scientific institutions, but also representatives of the local Polish community. The most significant event was the educational trade fair in Salão do Estudante, which took place in Curitiba on the 22nd of March and in Rio de Janeiro two days later on the 24th March. The trade fair is the largest event of its sort in Latin America, involving 200 institutions from 22 countries, and is visited by around 100,000 people; the Polish delegation had the largest stand both in Curitiba and in Rio de Janeiro.


– we would like to state that our promotion was well received. Although most Brazilians only have a vague idea about Poland, their attitude is very positive. The sense of national affiliation among Polish people who came to Brazil, typically in the 19th century, is fading, especially among young people – said Krzysztof Kafarski. – „Education without boarders” is a great opportunity to reverse this trend.

Thanks to our presence in Brazil, we managed to generate interest in not only among the participants of the various meetings, but also the diplomatic institutions representatives. This was inevitably as a result of the educational offer presented by Krzysztof Kafarski from the International Relations Office at the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław, which was presented in Portuguese, the national language of Brazil.

ds, kk

Głos Uczelni

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