
UPWr students at an inter-university scientific camp

A group of students from UPWr visited Dychów to participate in the Inter-University Scientific Camp for Student Research Circles from three universities: the Warsaw University of Technology, the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, and the University of Gdańsk. During the event, students gained practical knowledge about the operation of the power plant and its environmental impact.

As emphasized by dr inż. Tadeusz Daszczyński from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the Warsaw University of Technology, the project supervisor, this event was a unique opportunity to exchange knowledge, collaborate on research projects, and acquire practical skills at the Dychów pumped-storage power plant.

The Dychów 2024 Inter-University Scientific Camp took place from August 31 to September 6. The program's main elements included workshops led by experts from the energy industry, hands-on field activities, presentations of innovative student projects, and networking with industry representatives and scientists. Participants had the chance to expand their knowledge and form valuable connections that could lead to future collaborations.

Collaboration with the Warsaw University of Technology at the Dychów 2024 Inter-University Scientific Camp took place from August 31 to September 6
Photo: Student Hydrologists and Hydraulic Engineers Scientific Club

The event included participation from, among others, the Student Scientific Club of Hydrologists and Hydraulic Engineers from UPWr, as well as the IskIErka Scientific Club, the Water Engineering Scientific Club, and the Energy Engineers Scientific Club from the Warsaw University of Technology.

As Dr. Eng. Maciej Gruszczyński from UPWr pointed out that for the students, seeing in practice what they only knew from textbooks was an invaluable experience.

– During the camp, we conducted various research activities. These included electrical resistivity tomography of the dam at the Dychów Hydroelectric Power Plant, geodetic measurements with a GPS module, and photogrammetric studies using remote sensing (drone flights with specialized cameras), as well as analysis of water and sediment samples within the power plant's hydraulic system to observe and analyze the presence of meiobenthos. We also maintained a 24-hour research post to measure water parameters at the main reservoir and the railway trench to compare and check if there was any correlation (according to the results, there is no correlation, confirming that the reservoir does not supply the canal). On the final day, we presented and discussed our research findings with other camp participants, which contributed to the development of inter-university cooperation –  said UPWr student Natalia Suczyłkin.

Głos Uczelni

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