
Tropical agriculture at the University of Environmental and Life Sciences

Biochemistry, world food economy and market interference. Meteorology and hydrology. Genetics and plant protection. These are some of the courses included in the new field of study “Basics of tropical agriculture”, which is the only one of its kind in Poland.

Engineering studies take 3.5 years and start in the new academic year 2015/2016 at the Faculty of Life Sciences and Technology. Professor Józef Sowiński, who is responsible for the new course, says that the idea is a long term concept and needs time.

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– The studies are to prepare specialists in the field of food production, organizing and conducting quality checks of food processing. The engineer finishing studies with a diploma of a specialist and comprehensive knowledge concerning agroecology, as this is going to be the most characteristic feature of the studies, will be able to work at agriculture farms in tropical zones. That is why we are trying to attract candidates from abroad – explains Professor Sowiński, who admits that he also hopes to find interested Polish students who will be willing to study with further plans of searching for a job in different parts of the world.

The “Basics of tropical agriculture” studies will be conducted in full-time mode and will also be in English. For detailed information please go to our website


Głos Uczelni

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