A two-day working meeting of members of Regional Innovation Implementation Community (RIC), which has been dedicated to explaining goals, prospects and the direction of activities of the Climate
Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) and the role of Wrocław, our region and Poland in this undertaking, has finished with a press conference which included rector professor Roman Kołacz.

The Opening of the Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC)

A two-day working meeting of members of Regional Innovation Implementation Community (RIC), which has been dedicated to explaining goals, prospects and the direction of activities of the Climate Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) and the role of Wrocław, our region and Poland in this undertaking, has finished with a press conference which included rector professor Roman Kołacz.

Wrocław has become one of the key centers for the practical realization of a new European initiative concerning the prevention of and adaptation to climate change. On 16 December 2009 the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), with its headquarters in Budapest, declared the winner of a competition for creating the Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) which is to specialize in the issues surrounding the design and implementation of new technology within the framework of the widely understood concept of climate (Climate-KIC).

The Wrocław Research Center of the European Technological Institute Plus (WRC ETI+) is a member of the winning consortium. WRC ETI+ will be one implementation center of the RIC and will conduct research on pilot solutions as well as coordinate industrial implementation within the scope of studies on climate change, emission reduction (in particular CO2), new environmentally friendly alternative sources of energy and integrated water management. Wrocław’s Universities are academic partners of the Climate KIC, especially Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences.


Climate KIC’s main goal is the designing and implementation of new solutions involving the production, distribution, and consumption of goods (energy, food water) with reference to the issue of environmental protection and particularly issues concerning climate change. Action taken by the Climate KIC will focus on the realization of four innovative climate research programs. These are:

  • a climate change study - identification and scientific verification of reasons for widely understood climate change on a global, regional, and urban scale; reversal of the changes taking into account the detailed qualitative and quantitative role of man
  • sources of renewable energy - specifically energy based on biological sources; design and implementation of new technologies for acquiring energy from both traditional sources (e.g. coal) and new sources (e.g. deep geothermy and/or waste); with a focus on a drastic reduction of emissions into the environment
  • integrated water management - water resources and sewage management
  • low carbon cities - searching out new solutions for effectively reducing CO2 emissions in urban economies, particularly for industry and transport such as public transport based on electric vehicles

Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences will take part in the research connected with the first three out of the above four programs.

While the Climate KIC will be conducting the advanced research programs, RIC will, concurrently run training programs for scientific specialists. The main goal of these training programs will be to develop a new generation of highly qualified human resources specializing in the widely understood low carbon economy. This program, which is called Pioneers into Practice, consists of three monthly stays for training, gaining experience. attending workshops and other practical undertakings within differing scopes of the Climate KIC. The anticipated yearly cost of the program will amount to approximately €5m (5 million euros). New methods for the broad rapid implementation of novel solutions are expected to be created through the preparation of suitable personnel for administration, science and industry. Simultaneously, the first European network will be created to deal with the concept of climate on, at the very least, a continental scale consequently directly effecting an easier lifestyle on the citizens. For the first time regional authorities are to be involved in the academic-commercial consortium to implement and test proposed scientific and engineering solutions.

Financing of the Climate KIC is to reach €120 m (120 million euros) by 2013. The remainder of the funds will be accumulated from national and regional sources, EU funds, committed companies and private subsidies.

The two-day working meeting of members of the RIC, which took place on 18 - 19 January in Wrocław, was recapped during a press conference at the Wrocław mayoral office. The main participants of the conference included: Rafał Dutkiewicz - Mayor of Wrocław; prof. Fred Steward – Innovation Specialist from Westminster University; prof. Mirosław Miller – President of the Board of WRC ETI+; prof. Mariusz Orion Jędrysek from Wrocław University representing WRC ETI+; prof. Tadeusz Luty – Advisor to the Mayor of Wrocław for Cooperation with Universities; prof. Roman Kołacz – Rector of Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences and prof. Adam Jezierski – Prorector for Scientific Research and International Cooperation from Wrocław University.

Głos Uczelni

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