
The EU GREEN alliance meeting of rectors is underway

A strategic meeting of the rectors of the EU GREEN alliance – Board of Rectors– which includes nine European universities, has begun at the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław. This event is of crucial importance, taking place twice a year, during which the future development path of the international partnership is determined.

In addition, the consortium's Senate is to approve the Communication Strategy, and at the working meetings, the current implementation of the project will be discussed.

During the meeting, the rectors will discuss the implementation of joint course modules, known as micro-credentials. The discussion will also cover the introduction of the European Degree, in line with the recommendations of the European Commission. 

The European Degree aims to improve cooperation between higher education institutions in the European Union. The package proposed by the EC includes an action plan for the European Degree and recommendations for improving the quality of education and recognition of qualifications. The degree, which is voluntary and automatically recognized throughout the Union, will enable students to study in various EU countries. 

Board of Rectors
photo by Tomasz Lewandowski

Another important point on the agenda is the debate on the legal status of the EU GREEN alliance. Representatives of other European consortia (EUT+ - European University of Technology, The STYX Project - European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation, ECIU The European Consortium of Innovative Universities, ESEU Project - A European Status for ECIU University) will present various legal solutions they use. During the session, the participants will analyze which solutions could be adopted by EU GREEN. 

The multidimensionality of sustainable development is another key topic of the meeting. Discussions will cover social, economic, and environmental perspectives, aiming to develop a coherent sustainability strategy for all alliance members. 

– We come from different countries with different, often difficult experiences. Yet, we are united by a shared European identity and the awareness that by educating young people at our universities, we influence not only the shape of our institutions but also our cities, regions, economy, education system, and interpersonal and international relations. Therefore, we influence the shape of Europe. And we do this not for ourselves, but for our grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and future generations – says the Rector of the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Prof. Jarosław Bosy. He adds that the meeting of the rectors of the universities forming the consortium is the best proof that EU GREEN, sustainable development goals, inclusiveness, equality, cooperation, openness, and tolerance are not just marketing slogans, but words that these universities, their lecturers, and students fill with substance.

Dinner at the Afrykarium
photo by Tomasz Lewandowski

Besides deliberations and outdoor sessions, the rectors' meeting will also be an opportunity for integration, allowing the establishment of closer relationships and the exchange of experiences and ideas in a less formal atmosphere. The agenda includes, among other activities, a visit to the Afrykarium, one of the main attractions of the Wrocław Zoo, and a dinner at the Centennial Hall, where guests will have the opportunity to experience traditional Polish cuisine.

The rectors of all member universities of the EU GREEN alliance attend the meeting:

  • University of Gävle (Sweden)
  • University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław (Poland)
  • University of Parma (Italy)
  • University of Angers (France)
  • University of Évora (Portugal)
  • Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (Germany)
  • University of Oradea (Romania)
  • Atlantic Technological University (Ireland)
  • University of Extremadura (Spain)

Key guests of the meeting:

  • Walter Zampieri from the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), European Commission
  • Therese Bennich from the Stockholm Environment Institute
  • Prof. Gemma Delicado (UEx), the main coordinator of the EU GREEN alliance
  • Tomasz Janoś, Director of the Office for Cooperation with Higher Education Institutions, Wrocław Academic Center
  • Aleksandra Matukin-Szumlińska from AGH University of Science and Technology
  • Prof. Patrycja Matusz from the University of Wrocław, The Arqus European University Alliance
  • Prof. Rafael Toledo Moreo from the Polytechnic University of Cartagena, EUT+ - European University of Technology, The STYX Project - European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation
  • Dr. Dorota Piotrowska from Lodz University of Technology, ECIU The European Consortium of Innovative Universities, ESEU Project - A European Status for ECIU University

The meeting of the rectors of the EU GREEN alliance is an opportunity to exchange experiences and best practices and jointly develop strategies that will contribute to the development of the European higher education system. The debates on the implementation of the European Degree and sustainable development aim to adapt academic activities to the demands of the contemporary world while ensuring high-quality education and innovation.

Głos Uczelni

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