The main goals of congresses organized every four years by Polish Society of Veterinary Sciences (PSVS) is to present the achievements and develop qualifications and skills of veterinarians,
breeders, veterinary inspection workers and employees from cooperating companies.

Science for practice – XIV Congress of PSVS

The main goals of congresses organized every four years by Polish Society of Veterinary Sciences (PSVS) is to present the achievements and develop qualifications and skills of veterinarians, breeders, veterinary inspection workers and employees from cooperating companies.

The motto of this year's congress "Science for practice" best characterizes the main goal of the event. The congress is also a great chance for junior research workers to present the results of their research in front of the most prestigious and representative group of specialists in the veterinary field.

fot. Tomasz Lewandowski

There were over 700 papers presented during the congress, both during the main plenary session and in 15 sections. The papers were presented by well-known Polish and foreign scientists.

– Preparing and conducting such an important scientific event by the Wrocław center is definitely a great honor, but above all it is a test for our professional competences and organizational skills – said former Dean, chairman of the organizational committee Professor Jan Twardoń.

Głos Uczelni

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