The healing properties of powdered deer antlers dates back to the Chinese papyri from the 2nd century BC; Aristotele also wrote about it.

Research on antler stem cells

The healing properties of powdered deer antlers dates back to the Chinese papyri from the 2nd century BC; Aristotele also wrote about it.

Thanks to an agreement between the University of Environmental and Life Sciences and the Stem Cells Spin Company, there will be continued research on antler stem cells.

Currently, deer breeding is popular in Asia, South America and New Zealand. In Poland there are also several such breeders. Due to this study on stem cells it is now possible to obtain additional valuable research material derived directly from laboratory incubators.

In accordance with the agreement signed on February 18th by Professor Alina Wieliczko (Vice-Rector for International Relations and Regional Cooperation) and on behalf of The University of Environmental and Life Sciences and Jarosław Muszyński, the president of the company (on the behalf of the Stem Cell Spin Company), two doctorate research studies will be conducted. The research primary concern is the impact of the antler stem cells on treatment and regeneration of bony tissue defects and the rabbit cornea. The study, which will be conducted at the Department of Surgery of Veterinary Medicine, will be funded by the Stem Cells Spin Company, which also deals with the commercialization of inventions relating to the antler stem cells.

Głos Uczelni

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