The University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław was one of 16 beneficiaries of a competition organised by the National Centre for Research and Development involving a project partially
funded by the Human Capital Operational Programme.

Over 5.5 mln PLN for university development

The University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław was one of 16 beneficiaries of a competition organised by the National Centre for Research and Development involving a project partially funded by the Human Capital Operational Programme.

It was intended to strengthen the didactic potential of the university. The submission made by the Continuing Education Centre and the Computer Network Centre, "Managing didactic potential of the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław through IT technology implementation", received a very high mark and came third in the point ranking. The prize money totalled 5,511,849.12 PLN.


The main purpose of the project was to improve the system of management by increasing the efficiency of the financial planning process and financial controlling, increasing the quality and efficiency of HR management and the university properties, and streamlining the process of resource management, allocating them to outside bodies. The project intends to implement a system for finance management and efficient use of the University’s resources, and the process of training managerial staff.


Głos Uczelni

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