Marking the 70th anniversary of the murder of a Lviv Professor in the Wuleckich Hills, a ceremony unveiling a monument commemorating the crime took place.

Monument unveiling in Lviv

Marking the 70th anniversary of the murder of a Lviv Professor in the Wuleckich Hills, a ceremony unveiling a monument commemorating the crime took place.

The ceremony was attended by authorities from Wroclaw University which included members of the University of Environmental and Life Sciences. 70 years ago in Lviv, Poland (now in the Ukraine) an organized execution of 25 professors and their families took place. The Professors were from Jan Kazimierz University, the State Polytechnic University of Lviv, the Academy of Veterinary Medicine, and the Academy of Foreign Trade.

At noon, on July 3rd 2011 Rafal Dutkiewicz the Mayor of Wroclaw and Andrij Sadowy, Mayor of Lviv unveiled the Monument commemorating the Professors death. At the ceremony, Rector Professor Roman Kolacz, Vice-Rector Prefessor Andrzej Drabiński and Professor Józef Nicpoń represented the University of Environmental and Life Sciences.

The day before the ceremony Lviv universities Rectors welcomed Polish authorities. This included Professor Wolodimir Wasiliowicz Snitinskij – Rector of National University of Agriculture in Dublany and Professor Wasil Michałowicz Gunczak – Rector of Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology.

A solemn Mass in St. Mary Magdalene Church in Lviv preceded the monument unveiling ceremony. The monument blessing was given by Archbishop Mieczysław Mokrzycki,Ordinary of Lviv Diocese of Latin rite and Bishop Ihor Woźniak – Bishop of Lviv Diocese of Greek-catholic rite.

Apart from a great number of Wroclaw universities' authorities, the ceremony was also attended by the Deputy Mayor of Wroclaw - Wojciech Adamski, Lviv Polytechnic Rector - Yuriy Bobalo, Professor Tadeusz Luty – a Chairman of Committe of Honorary Monument Project Construction, Professor Bohdan Czerksa - Chairman of the Working Group of Architects for the Construction of the Monument, a member of the competition committee for the monument construction, Michajl Cymbaiuk - Chairman of Lviv Regional State Administration, Bishop Włodzimierz Juszczak, members of Wrocław City Management Board, members of the Honorary Committee of the Project Construction of Monument, Lviv and Polish children's choir.

Głos Uczelni

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