
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Home Alone, the movie about Kevin saving his home before Christmas, has accompanied Polish families on Christmas Eve for 30 years. To honour this tradition we recreated our own version of Home Alone.


Most families know this film by heart, as it is an unwritten tradition to watch “Kevin” on Christmas Eve. We all do it. So to honour this 30 year long tradition we decided to make our own version of Home Alone – with a slightly older Kevin, but as determined to save Christmas. 

Spider on the loose, toy cars on the ground, and paint cans ready – careful watchers might spot even more references to the film. Although we didn’t prepare any awards for spotting all the easter eggs, we would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas! Appreciate the time spent with your loved ones, stand by your values, ​​and let out your inner child. 

Big thanks to our leading man, the Rector, Prof. Jarosław Bosy, and everyone involved. The entire production wouldn’t be possible without the help of the UPWr team:

  • The UPWr Choir under the direction of prof. Alan Urbanek beautifully sang “Carol of the Bells”.
  • The music was recorded and mastered by Grzegorz Chrobak from the Soundscape and Environmental Acoustics Laboratory.
  • Christmas decorations were prepared by talented second year landscape architecture students and prof. Katarzyna Tokarczyk-Dorociak.
  • The spider’s talent manager was Jakub Leśniewicz from Student Science Club Mephitis, thanks to whom no animals or people were hurt during the recording.
  • The production facilities were provided by the Building Management Centre.
  • Video, editing and hot cocoa were provided by – yours faithfully - Grymuza and Stanley Znojko.
Głos Uczelni

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