
Four OPUS 26 Grants Awarded to UPWr

In the current funding cycle, four projects associated with UPWr have been recognized for their scientific value and potential impact on industry and environmental protection. These projects, led by Dr. Adam Dobrowolski, Prof. Zbigniew Lazar, Dr. Tomasz Janek, and Prof. Joanna Szyda, have collectively received approximately 6 million PLN in funding.

OPUS grants, awarded by the National Science Centre, provide significant support for innovative research projects in Poland. The projects involving UPWr scientists address issues such as sustainable biofuel production, circular economy, and water remediation.

Biofuels from lignocellulosic biomass

Dr. Adam Dobrowolski from the Laboratory for Sustainable Bio-development at the Institute of Environmental Biology received 1,729,560 PLN to study the physiology of the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica. The research aims to use lignocellulosic biomass as an alternative carbon source for lipid biosynthesis, which can be used to produce biofuels.

– The global population exceeded 8 billion in 2022. This increases the demand for food, energy, and drinking water, presenting huge challenges. Declining fossil fuel resources and resulting economic and geopolitical issues compel us to seek sustainable alternatives. Biofuels, particularly those produced from microorganisms, are one solution that can contribute to environmental protection without compromising the quality of life – explains Dr. Dobrowolski.

dr Adam Dobrowolski
Dr hab. Adam Dobrowolski
photo: Tomasz Lewandowski

The Y. lipolytica yeast stands out for its ability to produce lipids that can be used to make biofuels. However, like any heterotrophic organism, these yeasts need a carbon and energy source. Using substrates like glucose is costly, limiting industrial application. The project aims to use plant waste biomass, rich in organic carbon, as "food" for the yeast.

Before industrial application is possible, it's necessary to study the physiology of these yeasts and genetically modify them to meet efficiency, ecological, and economic requirements. Advanced molecular tools can introduce genetic modifications that allow yeast to assimilate previously inaccessible carbon sources and tolerate stressful environmental conditions.

Dr. Dobrowolski's project aligns with efforts towards sustainable development, crucial for our future. Synthetic biology and fundamental metabolism research can create a "biological factory" that uses plant waste biomass to produce valuable chemicals like biofuels.

Hexokinase and metabolism in the circular economy

Prof. Zbigniew Lazar’s project, funded with 2,227,200 PLN, focuses on studying hexokinase, a protein that links carbon and nitrogen metabolism in Yarrowia lipolytica yeast.

The circular economy, which aims to minimize waste by using it as raw materials, is gaining importance worldwide. Y. lipolytica yeast, due to its metabolic capabilities, is ideal for such processes.

The Y. lipolytica species has significant potential for extensive industrial use, including the production of organic acids like citric and α-ketoglutaric acids, sugar substitutes for diabetics such as erythritol, and lipids for biofuels. Additionally, these yeasts can use waste carbon sources like glycerol, a byproduct of biodiesel production. This unique preference for glycerol over glucose makes them particularly attractive for the industry.

prof. Lazar
Prof. Zbigniew Lazar
photo: Tomasz Lewandowski

One of the biggest challenges in biotechnological processes is the adaptation of microorganisms to changing environmental conditions. Prof. Lazar focuses on understanding the mechanisms regulating Y. lipolytica metabolism, allowing for more efficient industrial use.

– Hexokinase, an enzyme responsible for incorporating sugars into metabolism, is a 'moonlighting protein' with at least two different functions. Its second activity is crucial in regulating metabolism, especially in Carbon Catabolite Repression (CCR). Our research indicates that hexokinase also plays a significant role in Nitrogen Catabolite Repression (NCR). We aim to understand how hexokinase affects Y. lipolytica metabolism, particularly under low nitrogen conditions necessary for the biosynthesis of citric acid and lipids – explains Prof. Lazar.

Understanding these regulatory mechanisms will enable more effective use of Y. lipolytica in circular economy, transforming industrial waste into valuable products for the food, pharmaceutical, and fuel industries.

Biopolymer materials for water remediation

Dr. Tomasz Janek is leading a research project on water purification using biosurfactants and metallothioneins immobilized in bacterial cellulose and alginate microcapsules. The project received 1,483,520 PLN and aims to develop innovative materials to remove heavy metals and synthetic organic compounds from water.

Heavy metal and synthetic organic compound pollution is a serious problem for human health and the environment. Current water treatment methods, though effective, do not eliminate all contaminants. The project involves biopolymers composed of biosurfactants and metallothioneins immobilized in bacterial cellulose and alginate microcapsules.

dr hab Tomasz Janek
Dr. hab. Tomasz Janek
photo: Tomasz Lewandowski

– Biosurfactants, such as lipopeptides produced by Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas fluorescens, are highly biodegradable and low in toxicity. These innovative biomaterials immobilized with biosurfactants and metallothioneins have the potential to effectively remove heavy metals and organic compounds from water – explains Dr. Janek.

– The research will include the characterization of modified hydrogels and their adsorption properties. We will also correlate experimental results with molecular dynamics simulations and assess the toxicity of modified biopolymers to healthy fibroblast and keratinocyte cells – he adds.

Using biosurfactants and metallothioneins immobilized in bacterial cellulose and alginate microcapsules could be a more ecological and economical alternative to currently used synthetic polyacrylamide hydrogels. Dr. Janek's project has the potential not only to address water pollution but also to lay the foundation for further research and development of modern water treatment methods.

Genetic plasticity of chicken phenotypic  of Chickens

The Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, together with the Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology and the National Research Institute of Animal Production, secured 421,520 PLN for a project on the molecular mechanisms of phenotypic plasticity in native chicken breeds. The goal is to understand the genetic and molecular mechanisms of phenotypic plasticity in breeds such as the Green-legged Partridge, Leghorn, Rhode Island White, and Rhode Island Red.

Phenotypic plasticity is a complex interaction between an individual's genotype and the environment. A genotype that shows high phenotypic variability depending on the environment is termed "plastic," while one with low variability is termed "robust."

Phenotypic plasticity is a phenomenon where a single genotype can produce multiple phenotypes in response to environmental stimuli. This plasticity is influenced by both the individual's genotype and its microbiome. The relationship between the host and its microbiome is bidirectional – the host's genotype can affect its microbial composition, and the gut microbiome affects the host's physiological, metabolic, and immune processes.

Joanna Szyda
Prof. Joanna Szyda
photo: Tomasz Lewandowski

Furthermore, the plasticity of the gut microbiome is an important determinant of the individual's phenotypic plasticity. Most microbiome studies have been conducted on broiler chickens, with less attention given to laying hens. Native chicken breeds are known for their good adaptation to harsh environmental conditions. However, the genetic determinants of this adaptation and the molecular mechanisms associated with it have never been analyzed.

The project results will help understand the basic genetic and transcriptomic determinants of adaptive changes to various environmental challenges. The project will provide valuable data that can be used to develop new solutions for poultry production and contribute to a better understanding of phenotypic plasticity and the role of the microbiome in the adaptation of organisms to changing environmental conditions.

The leading research team, THETA - Biostatistics Group, under the direction of Prof. Joanna Szyda from the Department of Genetics, who is the project coordinator on behalf of UPWr, will conduct bioinformatics analyses of the data from the experiments.

Głos Uczelni

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