
”For Africa” Cluster

The Rector, professor Roman Kołacz, has met representatives of the “For Africa” Cluster – Doctor Mamadou Moussa Bahem and Janusz Pińkowski, the president of Transvet – a biotechnological company from Kalisz in order to discuss the possibility of the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław joining the organization.
fot. Tomasz Lewandowski

The ”For Africa” Cluster consists of companies, universities, research institutes, institutions from business environment, and national and local administration units, which create a Polish-African collaboration network. The goal of the organization is to increase Polish export, both of goods and services, as well as modern, innovative technologies but also to transfer knowledge and create joint scientific, cultural and social undertakings.

In the meeting with the rector, which took place on 18 November, the topic of the university’s collaboration with government departments within the scope of the “GoAfrica” programme was discussed. Professor Józef Sowiński from the Faculty of Life Sciences and Technology, who is a member of the team for tropical agriculture, also took part in the meeting.

Głos Uczelni

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