The Faculty of Food Science is the youngest – in terms of the number of its staff members – of five Faculties of the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences.

Faculty of Food Science celebrates its 35th anniversary

The Faculty of Food Science is the youngest – in terms of the number of its staff members – of five Faculties of the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences.

Although it was formally established in 1977, its history dates back to the 19th century and the contemporary scientific circles of Lviv. Until now the Faculty has produced over 3500 graduates. Now its education offer includes three programmes: food technology, biotechnology and science of commodities. It also participates in five EU-funded projects under the Innovative Economy Operational Programme. The Faculty also boasts leading position in terms of scientific patent activity. Within the period of last two years the number of patents granted to this unit was 55 and the number of patent applications was 94. Last year its headquarters were transferred to a new location, where academics can enjoy access to modern facilities and latest technologies. Celebrations of its 35th anniversary, that took place on April 20th 2012, were the crowning of the undisputed success of the whole University and especially of the success of both the three generations of its academic teachers and professional and competent authorities.

Rector Professor Roman Kołacz, who on this occasion had an honour to open a special session of the University Senate in Wrocław’s most beautiful academic auditorium, said that every anniversary is an occasion to recall the past and pay a due tribute to all the Faculty professors and staff members, whose unique efforts have contributed to its foundation, its development and strengthening its position. “I have to say that our University would not have been the same without the Faculty of Food Science. Today, on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the Faculty I would like to extend my most cordial congratulations to dean Professor Antoni Golachowski and all the actual and retired members of the faculty staff, as well as to undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students on all their successes both scientific and didactic and on their extremely important contributions towards the development of the areas of food economy and agriculture.” said rector, concluding his speech.

Faculty of Food Science celebrates its 35th anniversary

Doctor honoris causa The celebrations were accompanied by the ceremony of granting the title of Doctor honoris causa of the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences to Professor Jan Gawecki, an expert in human nutrition, founder of the Polish school of nutrisensorics and the nutrition science promoter. His portrait and achievements were presented in a laudation speech by the Faculty dean, Professor Antoni Golachowski. Repeating the words of the reviewer of Gawecki’s doctoral thesis, Professor Wojciech Roszkowski, he talked about Gawecki’s unique qualities as a person: “Professor’s Gawecki’s personality is so rich and his talents are so numerous that it is simply impossible to give a brief summary of all his achievements…. He is an open and kind interlocutor, always respectful towards the opinions of others. He is also a great teacher who knows how to share his vast knowledge…. He also shows (which is less commonly known) artistic talents in the areas of painting and poetry. For many years of our cooperation, I have witnessed on many occasions his utter contribution to high moral standards and ethical principles. Despite all these wonderful qualities, he also has a great sense of humour, thanks to which all contacts with Professor, both professional and private, are a true pleasure.”

Before the Nestor of the Faculty, Professor Stanisław Leszczynski awarded Professor Jan Gawecki the diploma of Doctor honoris causa, its contents were read to the audience in Latin. The decision to award Professor the title of Doctor honoris causa of Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences was made by the Senate on March 30th, 2012.

Doctor honoris causa prof. Jan Gawęcki

It is worth noting that that 22 years earlier the title of Doctor honoris causa of the Wrocław Academy of Agriculture was awarded also to Professor Gawecki’s father – Professor Kazimierz Gawecki.

Faculty’s long standing tradition This was the title of a lecture Wacław Leszczynski prepared on the occasion of the Faculty’s anniversary and devoted to its origins and founders. Leszczynski stressed that the School of Rural Agriculture was established in 1855 in a village called Dublany, located 8 km from Lviv, and 25 later it was granted the status of a university and renamed to the National Higher School of Agriculture of Dublany. At that time, a subject called agricultural technology was taught by Professor Roman Wawnikiewicz. One of the most important branches of the food industry was distilling, so Professor Wawnikiewicz taught distilling courses and launched an experimental distilling laboratory, which was then developed into the National School of Distilling. Next to Professor Roman Wawnikiewicz, the teachers were also Professors of the Lviv School of Polytechnics, including a renowned scholar, Professor Wiktor Syniewski, founder of the Polish school of starch and Professor Tadeusz Chrzaszcz, who developed the scientific basis for the Polish distilling industry, and then agricultural technology in Poznan. In 1919 the school was incorporated into Lviv Polytechnic as part of the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry. It was then transformed into the Department of Agricultural Technology, and its head became a former assistant of Professor Chrzaszcz, Professor Adolf Joszt. From 1928, the Department was managed by Aleksander Tychowski, a former adjunkt and a substitute of Professor Syniewski. The Department offered courses in agricultural bacteriology and microbiology, agricultural technology (including fermentation industry, drying, milling, starching and starch processing, sugar production, oil production, canned food production and milk production). Between 1929–1939 the Department was home to the National Distilling Courses. At the same time the Department boast a section specializing in preparation of distilling and winery yeast inoculums and lactic acid bacterias (distilling starters), which were used by distilleries all over Poland. In 1938 Aleksander Tychowski launched at the Department a branch of the Warsaw Distillling Institute. In spring, 1939, the Ministry of Agriculture decided to extend the Department by an experimental creamery with staff consisting of professional scientific workers. After the outbreak of WW II, in September 1939, the Department (known as the Institute of Agriculture) was initially part of Polytechnics. In the academic year 1940/1941 the last dean of Dublany was Professor Bolesław Swietochowski. In 1941 after the Nazi invasion, all Lviv universities were closed down. In spring 1942, the Nazis launched the so called “Fachkurse” taught by the academic teachers of Lviv Polytechnics, also in Dublany. In 1944 another, this time Russian, invasion again forced the university to suspend its activity. From then on academic workers could continue to teach only after assuming Soviet citizenship. Unwilling to do so, both the members of the faculty and the students started to leave their homeland. Together with other inhabitants of Lviv and the region of East Małopolska they were migrating in 1945 to central Poland and further west. One of the last academics to leave Lviv was Professor Aleksander Tychowski, who was dismissed from his post as late as on the July 5th 1946. In 1945, the group of inhabitants of Dublany settled in a village Drachenbrun near Wrocław. In the memory of their beloved homeland, they changed the German name to Dublany. As soon as in 1947, as a result of the governmet policy to eradicate the original tradition and culture of the repatriates, the name was changed to Wojnów, which in 1951 became incorporated to Wrocław. Currently, Dublany is home to the Lviv National University of Agriculture, located in the complex of the former Academy of Agriculture and a newly erected main building. It is also home to the museum of Stepan Bandera, who graduated from the School of Dublany in 1932. However, the Dublany University is still missing the Department of Food Technology. The Department of Agricultural Technology and Food Storage is the only inheritor of tradition developed in the National Higher School of Distilling of Dublany and the Department of Agricultural Technology of Lviv Polytechnic, this year celebrating its 21st anniversary. Nominated on Febuary the 1st, 1946, the first dean of the Faculty of Agriculture was Professor Bolesław Swietochowski, who was also the last dean of Dublany. In summer 1946 the Faculty was visited by Aleksander Tychowski, who launched the Department of Agricultural Technology and Food and Fruit Processing.

The distinguished academics of today Not only the history and the great luminaries of the Faculty were appreciated during the celebrations. There also came time to distinguish all the great individuals who now cooperate with the Faculty of Food Science and contribute to its development. The medals for the contributions for the Faculty of Food Science were awarded to Professor Józef Kula from the Łódz Polytechnics, Professor Marian Remiszewski from the Institute of Biotechnology and Agricultural and Food Product Industry, Professor Honorata Danilcenko from Kaunas University, Stanisław Han – president of Hasco- Lek company, Jacek Lenkiewicz from Quarto company in Warsaw and Marek Pawełczak – president of SKOTAN SA company. “Good reputation and strong position of the Faculty of Food Science is a result of our common effort and dedication,” said dean Professor Antonii Golachowski. “I would like to thank all the Faculty staff: academic teachers, technicians, engineers, administrative workers, and of course undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students. I would also like to thank the distinguished university authorities: His Magnificence Rector Professor Roman Kołacz, the Prorectors, Chancellors, Finance O¹cer and all the administration for all your kindness, understanding, and support you constantly have for our Faculty. I want to thank all my University colleagues for their professional cooperation and support. I want to thank all our business partners , scientific and research units and other Polish and international institutions we cooperate with. Finally, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to those whom we owe so much, but who cannot be here with us today.”

dr Ewa Jaworska

Głos Uczelni

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