
EU GREEN WP2 Staff Week and Students Council coming to UPWr in October

In October, UPWr will host a meeting for representatives from all member countries of the EU GREEN Alliance. Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, as the leader of WP2 – Model of Education Based on Sustainable Development, is finalising preparations for the Staff Week.

Expert and student representatives from all nine universities in the EU GREEN Alliance will meet in Wroclaw to develop an Educational Strategy
The premise of WP2 is to develop an educational model based on the principles of sustainable development
The EU GREEN Alliance is also about sharing European values

One of the most important events for the EU GREEN Alliance is right around the corner. In October, UPWr will host not only the Staff Week, but also the Students Council – and this will be the first physical meeting of its members.

Collaboration between experts and students

Between the 9th and 13th of October, representatives and experts in modern didactics from the nine allied universities will have the opportunity to actively collaborate with students and doctoral students to jointly develop the consortium's Educational Strategy and professional development programmes. The Students Council is one of the main bodies of EU GREEN, consisting of nine PhD students and nine undergraduates from each university. Collaboration at this stage of developing the Educational Strategy is extremely important in order to be able to draw on the knowledge and experience of experts and university representatives, while at the same time meeting students' expectations and comments regarding the desired characteristics of the graduate silhouette or solutions favouring the combination of private life and studies (modularity of education, availability of nurseries at the university).

EU GREEN Alliance

EU GREEN is a consortium of nine universities from France, Ireland, Germany, Sweden, Romania, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Poland, whose goals are defined by nine so-called work packages (WPs). UPWr is the leader of WP2 – Model of Education Based on Sustainable Development – and the first steps towards developing such a model will be taken in October in Wrocław. At UPWr, the faces behind the alliance are Paulina Zaweracz, Anna Posadowska-Malarz, dr Katarzyna Lech-Książkiewicz and Krzysztof Kafarski, and the entire project is overseen by the Vice-Rector for Internationalisation, prof. Anna Chełmońska-Soyta, supported by the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education, prof. Damian Knecht.

Member States of the EU GREEN Alliance

As listed by Vice-Rector prof. Knecht, the objectives of WP2 include the development of joint diplomas for graduates of the allied universities, increased student mobility, the implementation of educational programmes to provide access to education for excluded groups and the development of strategies for implementing sustainable solutions on campuses. Through all these activities, a model of education based on sustainability will be developed.

So far, the consortium has succeeded in developing a Research Strategy; the next step is an Education Strategy, as well as competence development programmes for academics and procedures to increase mobility.

It’s not just a strategy

EU GREEN is, however, not only about strategy development and programme implementation. As Vice-Rector prof. Anna Chełmońska-Soyta says, in addition to the substantive value of the alliance, there is the awareness and consolidation of common European values such as integration, inclusiveness, democracy and peace.

– I look forward to getting to know each other, talking and discussing, as this breeds tolerance, empathy, openness and acceptance of difference.

The opening and closing sessions of the event will be available online. A link to the webcast will appear on the day of the sessions on the Staff Week and Students Council event pages.


Głos Uczelni

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