Mateusz Malczewski, a student from the Environmental Engineering of the Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy at the University of Environmental Life and Sciences in Wrocław, and a
graduate of Geodesy and Geoinformatics as well as Spatial Economy, has cycled for 5670 kilometers.

Cycling to the south of Europe

Mateusz Malczewski, a student from the Environmental Engineering of the Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy at the University of Environmental Life and Sciences in Wrocław, and a graduate of Geodesy and Geoinformatics as well as Spatial Economy, has cycled for 5670 kilometers.

He set off from Lubin on Saturday the 30th July and got returned after a 64-day journey on 2nd October. He crossed 14 countries during his trip including: Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Macedonia, Kosovo, Greece, Albania, Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia and Austria – which means that he crossed 24 different borders, including 8 crossings of the Macedonian border.


– The journey lasted 64 days, only 2 of which were not spent cycling – said Mateusz. – the longest leg, on the final day was 195 kilometers, but on average it was about 90 kilometers per day. Interestingly enough, I cycled this entire distance without a single puncture.

This kind of trip is not only a challenge for the human body but also for the equipment. The bike, which weighted 18 kg, transported the baggage, which together with the cyclist at times weighed over 100 kg. The maximum speed reached by Mateusz was 73 km/h. He did it when going down from the Bukovo mountain pass between Resen – Ochryda in Macedonia. The highest point of the trip was at 1624 meters above sea level on the mountain pass between Ochryd Lake and Prespanskie Lake, and the lowest level was 0 meters above the sea level, at the Adriatic seaside in Albania, Montenegro and Croatia.

The whole trip route can be found here:

Głos Uczelni

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