
Collaboration with the Iowa State University

On the 8 July, a delegation from the Iowa State University in the USA visited the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław.

The delegation, made up of Professor Jacek Koziel and Professor Jodi Sterle, along with coordinators for international cooperation, Jodi Cornell and Shannon Miner, visited to draw up a programme of intensive courses, and learn about the didactic facilities at the University as two of their main aims.

– the primary aim of the visit was to establish and discuss a study programme for a single semester study course for American students from Iowa, preparing intensive 2-3 week courses for them – said Professor Alina Wieliczko, Vice-Rector for International Relations and Regional Cooperation.

fot. Tomasz Lewandowski

The Programme was being prepared by a working group coordinated by Professor Wieliczko, consisting of representatives from all the faculties of the University of Environmental and Life Sciences.

– the intensive courses are a great idea. Our proposal is very attractive for the Iowa university– said Professor Jarosław Bosy, one of the meeting’s participants. – So far, we have not had any models of collaboration with American universities, so they have to be created. Currently at the Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy, as well as at all the other faculties, we are preparing a proposal for a course focusing on GNSS, GIS and LIDAR technologies – he added.

The delegation also visited departments and institutes of all faculties and also the Centre of Knowledge and Practical Education in Swojec. The meeting was the first working visit to Poland by the Iowa State University representatives. – now we better understand our mutual needs and what is more important, the possibilities – said Professor Bosy.


In April 2013, the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław signed an agreement of cooperation with the Iowa State University in the USA. The agreement assumes the conduct of mutual research projects, the exchange of research workers (dependant on the financial resources available to the partners) and the publishing press releases and articles in scientific journals. The universities also agreed on the types of teaching activities to be used. The areas of cooperation include: the exchange of teaching programmes and study itineraries, the exchange of teaching staff and scripts, coursebooks and teaching aids, including monographs and other publications. The schools promised to support the applications for admission to study submitted by students and doctoral students. Students who fulfil the requirements set may be accepted for the academic programmes.


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