foreign students at the Body Worlds exhibition

BODY WORLDS - one of six outings for foreign students at UPWr

English speaking UPWr students from abroad had a chance to integrate once again – this time by going to the famous exhibition by the inventor of plastination, Dr. Gunther von Hagens, called BODY WORLDS - VITAL.

The students who visited the BODY WORLDS exhibition had a chance to discover the human anatomy and physiology, by looking at over 150 real human body exhibits that represent the potential of the human body in motion, its anatomical form and the complexity of its functions. 

At the exhibition, the students were guided by an English speaking guide who showed them exactly how the human body works when it is healthy and how to fight life-threatening diseases and better their lifestyles. 

To show how a person's way of life can affect the body, like how smoking affects the lungs and how sugar, bad fats or salt accelerate the aging process, significantly increasing the risk of many chronic diseases, both healthy and sick organs were presented next to each other to highlight the differences.

Body Worlds exhibition
English speaking guides made sure the students got all the detailed information about the exhibition
photo: private archive

The bodies are preserved through plastination, a method of preserving anatomical tissue invented by doctor and anatomist prof. Gunther von Hagens in 1977 at the University of Heidelberg. Originally, plastination was intended solely for the benefit of the scientific community and advanced education. However, when prof. von Hagens presented his plastinates to the public it became an instant success.

The visit to the exhibition was organised by the Anthropologist Student Science Club "JUVENIS" as part of the 6th task of the "Increasing the UPWr's potential in the field of internationalization through comprehensive improvement of the competences of the administrative staff and improvement of service and facilitating the integration of foreign students" project which is part of the 2019 edition of the Welcome to Poland Programme.

There are more gatherings planned for foreign students to meet with representatives of the university's student science clubs and student organizations, and BODY WORLDS was the first of six trips which will take place in the new year.

Human playing chess at the Body Worlds Exhibition
Prof. Gunther von Hagens invented plastination in 1977
photo: private archive

This project enables foreign students to get to know and integrate with Polish students and adapt in Wrocław by learning about its most characteristic places and cultural events. The initiative is also meant help to shape an attitude of tolerance towards the diversity of cultures that meet at UPWr.

To take part in the trips organised by the student science clubs, please contact the Student Council at or the Student Affairs Centre at

You can also check out the Student Counsil's Facebook Page

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Głos Uczelni

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