
Agreement with NSN

Internships, dissertations, lectures, lab classes or joined participation in national and international innovative research projects – these are just a few of the areas covered by the cooperation between the University and Nokia Solutions and Networks Company.

The University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław has signed a partnership agreement with Nokia Solutions and Networks Company. On the 4th February in Convent Hall there was a meeting between the representatives of both institutions to discuss the framework of cooperation in the area of preparing innovative projects in the field of patents, and joined participation in projects co-financed by national, EU and foreign funds. The agreement will also enable students of the University to prepare their thesis and do their internships in the Wrocław branch of Nokia Solutions and Networks Company. The scope of the agreement also includes the preparation of lectures and lab classes for students as well as the organization of job fairs.

fot. Tomasz Lewandowski

- Nokia has chosen Wrocław because the city provides very good specialists. Wrocław academic center is open to cooperate with companies, and it pays off – said Bartosz Ciepluch, the director of the Nokia Solutions and Networks European Software and Engineering Centre in Wrocław (Europejskie Centrum Oprogramowania i Inżynierii Nokia Solutions and Networks).

The agreement was signed by Professor Alina Wieliczko - Vice-Rector for International Relations and Regional Cooperation, and Professor Andrzej Zachwieja – Dean of the Faculty of Biology and Animal Science on behalf of the University. NSN was represented by Bartosz Ciepluch, the director of the Nokia Solutions and Networks European Software and Engineering Centre in Wrocław (Europejskie Centrum Oprogramowania i Inżynierii Nokia Solutions and Networks).

- Biological sciences, biomedicine or bioinformatics are just a few fields of study where the most cutting edge technologies will be developed – added the representative of NSN, and then, referring to the previous speech of Professor Alina Wieliczko, said that the quality of the cooperation depended on dedication on both sides to carrying out the agreement.

The University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław is the seventh Polish university to sign the agreement with NSN.

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Nokia Solutions and Networks is the world’s largest specialist in the field of mobile broadband. The company is one of the world leaders operating in every generation of mobile technologies, from the first connection in the GSM network to the first connection in the LTE network. Nokia Solutions and Networks European Software and Engineering Centre in Wrocław carries out research and development works on '5G' mobile technologies.

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Głos Uczelni

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