
Invitation to the inauguration of the academic year 2022/2023

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The Rector and Senate
of Wrocław University of Environmental
and Life Sciences

are honoured to invite you to

the inauguration
of the 2022/2023
academic year

October 4th 2022,
11:00 AM

at John Paul II Hall (Aula Jana Pawła II)
in the UPWr Centre for Teaching and Research (CDN)
at pl. Grunwaldzki 24A

The program of the ceremony includes:

admitting new students and doctoral students,

speech by prof. Jarosław Bosy, Rector of the UPWr,

inaugural lecture
Scientists versus the biggest problems – conducting research from quanta to galaxies,

presenting state and university awards,

performance of the UPWr choir conducted by prof. Alan Urbanek.

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