
Scientific councils of PIWET and IZ with scientists from UPWr

The Ministers of Agriculture and of Science and Higher Education have appointed professors from the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences to the scientific councils of two institutes. Prof. Zdzisław Kiełbowicz will serve another term on the Scientific Council of the National Veterinary Institute, while Prof. Andrzej Zachwieja joins the Scientific Council of the Institute of Animal Husbandry. Prof. Mariusz Korczyński is also a member of the IZ's Scientific Council.
  • Prof. Zdzisław Kiełbowicz: – The composition of the Scientific Council of the National Veterinary Institute in Puławy reflects the diversity of research areas related to the broad field of veterinary medicine.
  • Prof. Andrzej Zachwieja, the only member appointed by the Minister of Science to the Scientific Council of the Institute of Animal Husbandry, said: – Our task is to develop a strategy for the growth of the discipline.

The new Scientific Councils of two research units, the National Veterinary Institute (PIWET) and the Institute of Animal Husbandry (IZ), were established by the ministers of agriculture and science. Their term will last until 2025.

A broad spectrum of veterinary medicine

The National Veterinary Institute (PIWET) in Puławy, founded in June 1945, just a month after the end of World War II, is overseen by the Minister of Agriculture. In 2003, it gained the status of a national research institute. Its mission is to conduct and implement the results of scientific research and development work in the fields of animal health protection, prevention and diagnostics of infectious animal diseases, including zoonoses, as well as food hygiene and toxicology of animal products, feed hygiene, and environmental protection. The institute also conducts applied and adaptive research to adjust scientific findings to practical needs.

The current PIWET Scientific Council will serve until 2025. – The Council's composition reflects the diversity of research areas within the broad field of veterinary medicine. On one hand, we have all kinds of infectious diseases, but on the other, there are issues related to human medicine, which particularly interest me due to my specialization – says Prof. Zdzisław Kiełbowicz, head of the Department and Clinic of Surgery at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UPWr.

Prof. Zdzisław Kiełbowicz: – There is growing interest among veterinary doctors in specialized training courses.
Photo by Tomasz Lewandowski

The PIWET Scientific Council meets 4-5 times a year, with more frequent online meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic. It addresses various issues at the intersection of human-animal relations, not limited to infectious diseases but also matters like the 2023 ecological disaster in the Odra River.

– Primarily, however, as the name suggests, the Scientific Council deals with scientific matters, overseeing PhD dissertations, habilitations, and professorial applications. Its members participate in all qualification procedures and committees – emphasizes Prof. Kiełbowicz, who has chaired the Veterinary Specialization Committee for four years. – For me, it is primarily a sign of trust and recognition of many years of work, as being a surgeon, I am responsible for all specializations in Poland – says Prof. Kiełbowicz, noting that the number of veterinarians enrolling in six-semester specialized surgery training has grown, with over 120 applicants for just 45 spots.

Guardians of the discipline

The Institute of Animal Husbandry – National Research Institute in Kraków will celebrate its 75th anniversary next year (it gained National Research Institute status in 2006). This is one of the largest scientific institutions nationwide, executing tasks assigned by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. It received an A+ rating in the ministry’s evaluation of scientific disciplines in Zootechnics and Fisheries. Like PIWET, it has the authority to award doctoral and postdoctoral degrees in agricultural sciences in the Zootechnics and Fisheries discipline.

The Minister of Science recently appointed Prof. Andrzej Zachwieja, former Dean of the Faculty of Biology and Animal Science at UPWr, to the IZ Scientific Council. He specializes in cattle breeding and currently heads the Department of Cattle Breeding and Milk Production. As of September 1st, he serves as Vice-Rector for Science in the newly elected university leadership.

Prof. Andrzej Zachwieja, the only member appointed by the Minister of Science to the Scientific Council of the Institute of Animal Husbandry, said: – Our task is to develop a strategy for the growth of the discipline.
photo by Tomasz Lewandowski

– The Council consists of 38 members, 19 of whom are external to the Institute, appointed by the Minister of Agriculture. I am the only representative of the Minister of Science, appointed in place of Prof. Zygmunt Litwińczuk, an honorary doctorate holder of our university. Our tasks include providing opinions on candidates for the position of Deputy Director for Science at the Institute, as well as shaping the discipline's strategy and the Institute’s future development – explains Prof. Andrzej Zachwieja. He adds that the IZ is tasked with broad animal husbandry matters, collaborating with organizations such as the Polish Federation of Cattle Breeders and Milk Producers, and the Polish Association of Beef Cattle Breeders and Producers. The Institute also manages the genetic resources preservation program for farm animals on behalf of the ministry.

– For me personally, being appointed to the Scientific Council of the Institute of Animal Husbandry is not only an honor but, above all, recognition of the faculty I once led, the discipline I represent, and the entire university – emphasizes Prof. Andrzej Zachwieja.

A member of the IZ Scientific Council, appointed by the Minister of Agriculture, is also Prof. Mariusz Korczyński, a specialist in poultry nutrition and husbandry, currently heading the Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Science.

Głos Uczelni

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