
BUP meeting for International Relations Officers (IROs)

The entry may contain outdated data.

The Baltic University Programme (BUP) invites colleagues at the International Relation Offices (IROs) at BUP participating universities to meet and share their experience with the universities’ involvement in the BUP activities and look for new opportunities in supporting the BUP in the future also in light of a new shift in the EHEA (e.g. European Universities Alliances).

The meeting will be held on 7-9 October 2024 in Ostrava, Czechia, and it will focus on synergies in internationalisation strategies, opportunities for financing of joint activities, and concrete activities on how to improve cooperation, communication, and promotion at various levels. We will also welcome input to the new BUP strategic plan to be developed in 2025.

The program will contain the following sessions:

  • Experience of being BUP participating universities
  • Internationalisation and networking
  • University networking for sustainability issues
  • BUP internal cooperation and communication

Representatives of the International Relations Offices (IROs) at BUP participating universities are welcome to participate. The BUP covers the board and lodging during the program. However, we encourage our colleagues to ask their home institution for the Erasmus grant (STT) to cover their hotel costs.

Short information

The event takes place on 7-9 October 2024.

  • The number of places is limited so first come first served principle applies.
  • The deadline for registration is 1 September 2024.

Registration form

More information can be found on the BUP website.

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