


Data: 12 - 13.09.2024
Miejsce wydarzenia: Q Hotel Plus Wrocław, ul. Zaolziańska 2, 53-334 Wrocław
Organizator: Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
Kategoria: Konferencja
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Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Department of Functional Food Products Development, the Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, together with the Polish Society of Food Technologists Wroclaw, greatly welcome you to participate in

10th International Conference on Quality and Safety in Food Production Chain
held on the 12th-13th September 2024 at the Q Hotel Plus, Wroclaw, Poland

The Conference is a dynamic forum for the exchange of cutting-edge research, innovative ideas, and profound insights in food sciences, biotechnology, molecular biology, nutraceuticals, preventive nutrition of civilization diseases, traditional and regional food, sensory and consumer science. Our program features keynote addresses by prominent experts, thought-provoking panel discussions engaging industry and business partners, as well as e-poster presentations in the following sessions:

Innovative food products, nutrition and consumer behaviour
Marina Cano Lamadrid (Spain), Anna Zimoch-Korzycka (Poland)

New trends in food technology and packaging systems
Adrián Rojas Sepúlveda (Chile), Bartosz Sołowiej (Poland)

Food analytics
Werner Ruppitsch (Austria), Slavoljub Stanojevic (Serbia)

Traditional, regional and functional food
Janna Cropotova (Norway), Maria Luisa Timon Andrada (Spain)

Quality and Safety Systems in food production chain
Adriana Cabal Rosel (Austria), Aleksandra Martinovic (Montenegro)

Special project’s session on the Sensory analysis in food
Agnieszka Kita, Małgorzata Korzeniowska

Special project’s session on Milk and dairy processing
Anna Dąbrowska, Marek Szołtysik

For the registration please follow the conference website.

Submission of abstracts → 15 July 2024
Registration and fees → 15 August 2024
Conference start → 12 September 2024

In case of any questions please contact us using the contact form on the conference website or directly at the following email:

Scientific Committee:

dr hab. Małgorzata Korzeniowska, prof. UPWr
dr hab. Anna Dąbrowska, prof. UPWr
dr Dusan Misic, prof. UPWr
prof. dr hab. Agnieszka Kita
prof. dr hab. Aneta Wojdyło

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