Research papers of the week – September 23, 2024

Comparative Analysis of Heavy Metal Content in Impacted Third Molars from Industrial and Non-Industrial Areas and Its Effect on the Isolation, Culture, and Proliferation of Dental Stem Cells (DSCs)

Benita Wiatrak; Sadri Rayad; Tomasz Gębarowski; Jakub Hadzik; Marzena Styczyńska; Tomasz Gedrange; Maciej Dobrzyński; Ewa Barg; Marzena Dominiak
Journal of Clinical Medicine

Ministerial score = 140.0
Journal Impact Factor (2023) = 3.0 (Q1)

journal_of_clinical_medicine-1.jpgBackground: This study investigates the impact of environmental pollution on the quality and viability of dental stem cells (DSCs) from impacted third molars. By comparing DSCs from patients in industrial areas with high air pollution and those from non-industrial regions, the research assesses the adverse effects of heavy metals on stem cell proliferation. Methods: Impacted lower third molars were collected from 28 patients—10 from industrial and 18 from non-industrial areas. Patients were divided into two age groups: 18–27 years and 28–38 years old. Dental pulp was extracted under sterile conditions, and DSCs were isolated and cultured. Heavy metal concentrations in dental tissues were measured using atomic absorption/emission spectrometry. Results: The study found significantly higher concentrations of copper and lead in the dental tissues of patients in industrial areas. Cell viability was lower in samples from these areas, with a statistically significant difference in average doubling time and the number of cells obtained after the first passage. There was no significant impact of gender on heavy metal content, except for higher iron levels in men. Conclusions: Exposure to industrial pollutants negatively affects the viability and proliferation of DSCs, but there are no differences in differentiation in the osteogenic medium regarding cell mineralization. These studies highlight the importance of environmental factors for oral health, suggesting that residents of polluted areas may face greater difficulties in dental and regenerative treatments. Further research is needed to develop strategies to mitigate the effects and improve clinical outcomes for affected populations.




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