
Zuzanna Czekaj becomes leader of the IVSA Standing Committee on Veterinary Education

Fifth-year veterinary student at UPWr, Zuzanna Czekaj, was chosen to lead the international Standing Committee on Veterinary Education at IVSA. To say she is ambitious is an understatement.

Zuzanna Czekaj, who has nearly finished her studies at the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, was appointed leader of the international committee in September, but this is not her only duty. She is also the chairman of the Faculty Council, she still works in the local branch of IVSA Wrocław and sits on the board of several student science clubs. During the inauguration of the academic year, she was also awarded the "Sapere Aude" statuette. Her work in student organizations began when she joined the Wrocław branch of IVSA. IVSA is the International Veterinary Students' Association founded in 1951 in Denmark by veterinary students as an apolitical, non-profit organization associating students from all over the world. In 2020, Zuzanna became the vice-president for Public Relations. But it wasn’t enough for her.

When she found out about the existence of international IVSA committees, she applied as an ambassador and won. As ambassador she promoted all the opportunities offered by the IVSA Standing Committee on Veterinary Education (SCoVE) to students, i.e. sharing lectures, sharing surveys that the organization conducts, providing free scientific materials for students like podcasts, YouToube channels, educational films and books.  – I liked the work so much that a year later I decided to join the main committee as a board member, so I applied to the Research Team. There, I was mainly responsible for organizing competitions such as the Quiz Competition and the Essay Competition. And I often helped other members with their responsibilities if they were running short on time. I like to take action and everyone around me knew it, often asking me if I would like to become the leader – Zuzanna laughs, adding that at the beginning she was a little scared. She wasn't sure if she could handle the job language wise. – It turned out that my fear was unfounded! Both IVSA members and our external partners are very relaxed and everyone understands what I have to say – says the student. 

Zuzanna Czekaj
Zuzanna Czekaj received this year's Sapere Aude award
phoyo: private archive

Zuzanna decided to run for leader of the committee and was successful. She is now the leader of the IVSA Standing Committee on Veterinary Education. – Our job is to promote veterinary education and improve it for students from all over the world. We do this by providing educational materials that are often created by students, veterinarians, teachers from various universities, or external companies. We also organize various competitions in which students from all over the world can take part and not only win something in them, but also gain new skills – says Zuzanna, saying that the last competition organized by them was an Essay Competition, during which students could write and explain why soft skills are important in the work of a veterinarian and whether soft skills are taught at universities. 

Another important thing that IVSA SCoVE does is it creates all kinds of research and education-related surveys that are sent out to students from all over the world. – Our last poll, which I wrote about, was about the impact of the pandemic on education and how teachers and universities have adapted to these changes. Was the transition to online education sufficient or not, according to students? How did they feel about it? We want to see where there are gaps in our education system and what can be improved, says the leader, adding that she also appreciates that their research is often published or presented at general meetings of international organizations. – Thanks to this, lecturers and practitioners can find out what the students' point of view is, what they can improve or what they can change. So I believe we have a real influence on education. All in all, any student can apply and become part of an organization. You just have to want to and know when and where you can apply - adds Zuzanna. 

Plans for the future 

– As for IVSA SCoVE in the version that I am managing now, I would like to bring back all the projects that we had been doing over the past years and more. We have, for example, something like Vet Talks – a bit like TED Talks – 15 minute long speeches on a scientific topic. I would definitely like to expand the database of free materials for students, as well as conduct further research and surveys, which I hope will change something – says Zuzanna, emphasizing that, according to her, additional activity in student organizations is sometimes more valuable than the studies themselves.

Zuzanna Czekaj
In the Future, Zuzanna would like to combine clinical work with scientific work
photo: private archive

– It’s something that helps you develop. When I started as an ambassador, I was scared because I am an introvert at heart. Throwing myself off the deep end was scary and exciting at the same time. But when I look at myself now, after two years, how I’m jumping off the deep end not afraid anymore, I am proud of myself – says Zuzanna, adding that in the future she would like to combine clinical work with scientific work. As she says it’s thanks to Dr. Klimowicz-Bodys from the Department of Infectious Diseases, she discovered that she liked scientific work. – Although writing articles can be tiring, it’s also very interesting and it makes me feel fulfilled. Last year, for example, I received a Young Minds scholarship to study Capnocytophaga canimorsus bacteria, which is a natural commensal in dogs and cats, but in humans, after a bite or licked wound, it can even lead to death, and there is little information about – says Zuzanna. When asked if she is planning on getting a PhD, Zuzanna admitted that she is thinking about it.


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